You're listening to "Manos: The Hands of Fate."
Anyway. College has been quite a blast. I can't think straight most of the time. It's been really hard to do well in anything. Everytime I try to do well I only end up fucking things up. Biotch. I'll fuck you up. Anyways, I was just lying about the not doing well and not being able to think straight. It's actually a lot easier to think straight than you might have thought. I do like the occasional not thinking right break. Oh man. Check out this out.
You see that? That's me getting a fucking 8-ball kicked into my chin. Who knows why we took a picture of that. But we did. And it hurt. Getting the ball kicked into my chin, not getting the picture taken. I lost four teeth. Just kidding about that.
Just a reminder, you're listening to "Manos: The Hands of Fate."
I just ate dinner, no more than 2 minutes ago. Just kidding. It was more like a half hour ago. I had beef strips with a sauce and seasoned fries and coleslaw. Sounds good doesn't it? Well, it wasn't. I should have eaten a human face. It would have tasted better. Probably. I had a dream last night. It was nice. I won't tell you what it was about, because a certain someone might read this thing and take it the wrong way and then things would get wholly fucked up. I mean HOLY. Speaking of Holy, I saw the Matrix: Part III, the other week and it was, without a doubt, very boring. So we are going to take the two latest Matrices and combine them into one good decent 2-3 hour moving picture. Believe you me when I say I am a machine. When it comes to that kind of a thing. Editing movies, that is.
Carlton just walked in and doesn't know what he's talking about. I wrote a smooth song the otha day. It was so smooth I couldn't believe it.
tCGt is playing a fucking SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! December 5th at the Chariho High School Battle of the bands.
Just a reminder, you're listening to "Manos: The Hands of Fate."