July 05, 2008

Off the Grid

Today is the fourth of July. You might be sitting there thinking to yourself "Hey, I can read! And the date on this post definitely says the fifth!!" And I suppose you'd be right. You'd be the better man--I the liar, and you the king. The king of what? Well, most likely the king of your sad, sad little world. That is why, in retrospect, it is actually I who is the better man. I am the one who doesn't care what you think. You sit alone complaining about the inaccuracies of the date given, and I sit alone dining in the splendors of humanity.

So many things have happened since the last time I entered words into this small box. I have become chronically ill. I have been halfway across the country and back (on average), twice! I have increased my merit, and my friends. I have lost some, but gained others. I could list more things, but then you'd probably start to doubt them. And doubt is for the weak. Doubt is for the dogs, the lowest of the low. Okay... I know what you are thinking again: "Doubt is all we have left. If it were not for doubt, where would science be!?" And I guess you are right. However, if you e'er doubt me I will personally look you up in the phone book, find your phone number, call information and get your address. Then I will drive my car at speeds unbeknownst to me all the way to your house, find you or someone you love inside said house, give them a huge birthday bash (on anyday except their birthday), feed them too much cake and have them vomit all over your stuff. Hope that'll teach you a lesson, you asshole.

I am really fucking pissed off right now because of your goddamn accusations and fucking unbelievable lack of common sense. So I will have to bring this entry to a close. I hope you are fucking happy. I didn't get to write about half the things I wanted. Go to hell and don't forget to worship me you filthy fucking peon.

I think I listen to the wrong type of music when I make these posts or something.