January 21, 2003

O, How the heavens run dry.

It was last night that it all went down. We weren't supposed to be at the beach, but Josh, Carlton, and I were there anyways. We started a big bonfire, and the cops came. We explained to them that it wasn't us who started the bonfire, but they took us down to the station anyways. I hate cops. Anyways, I had to call my mom, and tell her where I was, and she told the cops that there was no way I could have done it, so I was all, thanks mom, and she brought me home. I think Carlton got out of it too somehow, but Josh knew the cop from before, and he has some deal with his bakery and free "donuts," so he got out of it too. But when I got home, my mom yelled at me for like 2 hours, and basically I got grounded. So, life sucks.

In other news, we got a new computer. It's really cool. I ordered it custom, so it has all the latest technology. AND a flat screen monitor. What what?! Hell, yeah.

Um.... the newest Strong Bad email was about drilling oil in Iraq, and Strong Bad made fun of Oil, saying stuff like "oil is the best thing to come out of Iraq? More like the only thing!" and "oil is total crap!" It was hilarious. Probably my favorite Strong Bad email yet. Maybe "Website" beats it. I dunno.

Oh! Sunday night was movie night, so I rented Scooby Doo. That movie sucked more than a moon at high tide. If you know what I mean....

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