June 05, 2004

Things I think about at work:

1. Why are the crazy wacky guys on sitcoms always named Joey? You know, like Full House, Freinds, um... that's all I can think of right now. Add more.

2. The new Beastie boys album is crazy different. You can definitely tell the whole thing was done it Pro Tools. Think of Licensed to Ill entirely made in Pro Tools instead of samplers and such. Also, they don't do any of their signature word swapping. That kinda sucks. But there are some pretty whack tracks.

2. Raking sandtraps sucks.

E. My favorite people.

2. Songs that get stuck in my head at work: Ch-check It Out, Baby Got Back, Recreation Day, Heroes of Sand, Get it Together -

I just fell asleep for about 2 hours. I'm done.


Anonymous said...

Blossom! thats got a joey, right? fuck that bitch's hats.


A. Fiske said...

Oh man, Strong Bad commented in my blog! Either him, or Steve Burns....