September 04, 2004

An Army of Zombie

So, here I am, back at school, sitting behind my computer on Labor Day weekend. I haven't a thing to do. No homework, the three people with cars are gone, and the raptors are outside waiting to attack. The raptors look too intense for me. We've been watching lots of wonderful movies lately. I highly reccommend The Forbidden Zone, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eight Dimension, and Napolean Dynamite. I highly DO NOT reccommend Dark Star. It was probably the worst movie I have ever seen. It was just generally boring. My roommate, Dave, is watching tv, and the tv is watching out for him. You know what they say, "Watch out for Dave." He's the only other one here right now. We figure Carlton is dead and in a graveyard, and maybe Goober is here, because he might be. Tonight, we are probably going to watch Napolean Dynamite again. My classes are so totally pretty boring right now. Also, they are pretty easy, except my Probability teacher words questions weird, because he is foreign. They cloned me. No wait, that was just the tv. Speaking of the tv, my new favorite tv show is Lazytown. It's really more like Crazytown if you ask me. It's pretty great. Also, there is this show "Boohbah" on the PBS which is pretty insane. They reccommend it as a good show for people who are blind, but the entire show is nothing but bright colors bouncing around, with occasional noises of air escaping. So, I really don't see how it could possibly be good for blind people, except for the fact that they wouldn't see the INCREDIBLY BRIGHTNESS of the show that almost hurts one's eyes. That's really pretty much all I have to talk about, so I should probably stop here. I could just start typing lots of weird stuff like I usually do, but maybe I don't want to. Uh oh, I just ended that sentence with a preposition. I'd better fix it. Okay, here is the fixed sentence: I could just start typing lots of weird stuff like I usually do, but maybe that is not what I want. If you want to win a prize this time, tough luck, you could just try leaving some feedback. This is Captian Bravado signing off.

1 comment:

Carlton said...

I assure you, the rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated.

What prize do I win?