December 23, 2006


I am hip. I got you all christmas presents. If I forgot you, suck it, Christmas is for people from Texas.

Tim Connor
Ryan Kennedy
Dave Marsh
Josh Sawyer
Brian Robson
Becky Anderson
Ryan Faillace
Chris Giant San Francisco (and the rest of the Populaticons)
Justin LaRoche
John Forbes

But seriously, I decided to get internet presents for people I know in real life and real life presents for people I only know over the internet. So all you internet people: the package is in the mail. Also, if you are a real-life person and I didn't include you, be sure to make a big to-do about it. I won't do anything, but you can at least watch all those stupid videos up there.

December 17, 2006

Accolades to All

Congratulations from the deepest corners of my hearts. You've all done very well to land such an honor as the person of the year. I am truly and utterly blown away by the dedication and care you have demonstrated in your painstakingly original and bold work. Have you changed the world? I believe you have, and I couldn't be more proud of you. And don't be so humble! Be proud of yourself, give yourself a standing ovation, shout to the heavens the name of this angel, this wonderful animal, this destroyer of worlds! You are Harry Fucking Potter!

But in retrospect, maybe I should have done more. Doesn't your victory merely showcase my inability to rise above you all? You all beat me, destroyed me, took my efforts, my goals and shat on them and then rubbed the putrid things in my face. My face! O, what abjection, what sorrowful pity! This is not only lowest hour, but my coldest, darkest, most terrifyingly hopeless hour. I fucking hate you all.

But enough of my squalid wallowing. It is a time for celebration, for I have recently become the smartest man on the face of this round globe we call mother planet Earth. Following my smartening I spiraled into an unbridled rage wherein I begat several smaller versions of myself. Together we will create a small government with such brilliant ideas and simple means for world-wide peace the world will become united under our cotton fist. Then we as a planet will be able to focus on other things like exploring the universe and also our feelings. Please remember this when you are voting in the next election. Spread the word and stay healthy.

Yours truly,