June 10, 2003

Now I've become distant in relations. I lost my job, before it even begun. I don't have a car. I can't see people I would like to. I sit at home, AND CRY.
Or do I? We went to the "recording studio" today, to set up dates. You should do back-up vocals on our cd. It would be most awesome. My thoughts are sporatic. Sometimes, I wish I didn't need to do things. I wish I could just go where I want, and be with the people I care about. But rules apply. And they cannot be broken. But they can be bent. I wish I wasn't such an acquiescent person. I wish I had more of an initiative to do things. And not care about what other people want. But I do. I am too nice. I want to please people all the time. Fear is an instrument of discipline. And that shouldn't be the way it is. I, of all people, should not be held back by it. I don't do bad things. Why must I be tethered?

It's not that I don't understand what people are saying when they are profound in their blogs. It's just that it annoys me. It makes me feel as though they think they are somehow showing that they are better than people. That only those who can, in fact, understand what they are conveying are allowed to know what they are feeling. I can understand that some people may like it this way, to make themselves feel more secure, if subconcsiously, about putting their feelings on display. And maybe I just can't understand this. Because I haven't experienced it. I haven't experienced a harder life than my own. I do not have as many obstacles or problems in my life as other people. I can understand that they'd want security. I just don't fully understand the circumstances as to why.

The above 'graph is not directed to a single one person, as YOU ALL might think.
ALL of you that read my blog.
Which I know is a HUGE number.
Probably bigger than four!
Can you believe it?

NP - NOTHING. It's too late. Or I just don't feel like it.

EDIT: Typos are not my friend.

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