July 16, 2003

Blueprint for a White Dwarf (man, I should name my blog that)

As I wrote down these wooden, empty words, I thought of what yesterday really meant, shattered my heart. And I took a broken mirror, cleaned the shards, polished the grain, and set it beside me, while writing. But nobody stared back, not even my reflection in the wood. You would have seen my anguish, you would have sat beside me, stared back, kissed my melting smile. I watched the stars tonight, my dear, the one we named Blind. He traveled backwards across the sky, shattered my heart. He could not see his way, and he died as he crashed into his father, and I screamed "why?" But nobody answered, not even the whispering of the wind. You would have heard my anguish, you would have silently answered, kissed my melting smile. This pen, it gets heavier each time I try to let go. This paper, it tears more each time I try to write a word. The loneliness of days, the pointlessness of speech, the forgetfulness of thought, I crumble as I try to end this and leave. Oh, I would do it all again. Wouldn't I?

Who the fuck reads my journal that matters?

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