September 30, 2003

This is my update.
This is the real.
This is the shame.

So, we got this sweet ass crib up here at the W PIZZ I. It's like "what... the fuck!" And our room is like ten times bigger than probably everyone else's rooms combined. That's how big it is. Plus, we have an industrial size movie theatre screen. It kicks so much goddamn ass. PLUS!!! I went to classes today and stuff. I am so fucking smart. I am in the hardest classes out of everybody here, and I am doing better than anyone else in all of them. Beat that. You can't! You can't beat that with a stick! Or an amazing deal!

If the first thing they teach you at the academy is to look at the scene, that's what we're doing. EVERYONE here loves to play Dungeons & Dragons. I like that. No wait, I don't really. You can always here them talking about their "half dire-bear, half sun-elf" creations and their attack points and HP. They been creating characters for like 2 months! and they haven't even finished. That is NOOOO exagerration. I can't really spell, you know. I just fake it. Sometimes I fake it like this, sometimes it's like that.

So, we had this party tonight with our Veni. She got us some awesome chinese food, and my fortune cookie told me to do whatever it was I wanted to do in bed after I am too old to do it. That doesn't make any sense. Then we played a game about though provoking questions. The answers involved such answers as "life," "my dormroom," and "cannibalism."



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