February 04, 2004

A Scarlet Sunset

Think I'm a terrible writer? Think my blog isn't "worthy?" Well, you just might be right, but don't you go and try to tell me that. Ten thousand tiny men couldn't take my pride away. In fact, by increasing that number tenfold you would have not even come anywhere near the number that is the greatest number in the universe. A brilliant boy once told me something like that. It's all very confusing, really. At one moment you're circumnavigating Africa, and then suddenly you're on an island in the South Pacific, enjoying the music of the Wylde Stallions with a beautiful woman on each arm. It's really just too hard to comprehend, and that's why I just sit back and let the music take me wherever. If I need to explain more about it to you, then I've done my job! It's really that simple. It's not that hard to comprehend.

Every once in a while, as I sit here typing, I actually pay attention to what I am typing. The above paragraph, as I have duly noted in my mind, is the result of my "stream-of-consciousness," or "conciseness," whatever you may call it. That would make one, namely myself, conclude that my mind does not work correctly, or at least it doesn't follow the pattern of normalness as decreed by the mandate of the collective being of humankind. Am I not normal? Am I stupid? Or am I just too complex that you can't quite comprehend the eclectic ways in which thoughts travel throughout the millions of fine synapses in my mind.

I suppose maybe you people out there (although you may be few and far between - and I'd like to thank everyone of you personally, had I the time and resources), may be wondering, "Mr. Fiske - this thing you call 'the mandate of the collective being of humankind' - what exactly do you mean by that?" To this I answer your question with another question. "Does the meaning of the phrase really matter, or do the words themselves, in all their delight and splendor, impart a more eternal meaning... a living feeling that runs through everyone?" While you may not immediately know the answer to this question, the answer will come to you in time. I leave this discovery to you.

As far back as I can remember, I've always been fascinated with the power of the mind. The complete control it has over the body, and even other people. Even the simplest tasks can be made complex by the mind of the user. It's just awesome. I am in complete awe. Gasping, I struggle for air.

You want a picture don't you? You mindless cretin. I know how you think. "Hey, maybe Adam's blog will have a bit of entertainment in it! Not that I'm going to read it, but he usually has some pictures that remind me of things like Bill and Ted or Ghostbusters. Then I sit alone in my room, reminiscing about the good ol' days. The days when bright colors filled the halls, ankle warmers were the fad, and Duran Duran topped the pop charts!" Yeah, I know you.... you and your "thoughts." I see right through you. I'm not even going to link to a picture! Ha! Put that in your hat and wear it! Suckers.

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