February 12, 2004

Yo, sound the bell. School is in, suckah.

So, I'm sitting here (skipping class, of course, you needn't even ask anymore), and I'm thinking. What am I thinking about? Well, some of the thoughts that had passed through my head in the last few minutes covered such topics as: food, eating, skipping class, Tony Hawk Underground, MC Hammer, Duran Duran, the senior/junior proms, my subwoofer, writing in my 'blog, the meaning of life (both the idea and the movie), Refused, a new guitarist, and her commitment to Sparkle Motion. Sometimes I doubt it. Maybe it's just me, though.

So, I got this paper back in my writing class today, with a big check minus on the top. So, I asks my teacher why, and she looks it over, and realizes she didn't actually read it. And then said it was correct, and I should have had a big check plus on the top. This just goes to shows you that I knows what I'm doin' in this workaday world of college.

Sitting here. Yeah. That's what I'm doing. I'm skipping class, sitting here, my roommate's playin' Tony Hawk, I'm writing in my 'blog, and we're both waiting until five o'clock (only seven minutes left), so we can grab some dinner. And after that, I'm home free. Actually, I'm not. That's tomorrow, I forgot. I actually have to do homework afterwards. Homework. Yeah. That's what I'm doing. I mean, that's what I'll be doing. After I eat. Homework. Four hours. I mean "for hours." Most likely more than four hours. That's just how smart I am.

It bothers me though. It's definitely lacking. Maybe next year will be different. I was looking forward to it, too. My band was going to be there, probably. But not me. Just them. You don't even know what I'm talking about, do you? If you bothered to actually do some critical reading of my blog (which I know you won't because you're all mindless cretins, as I've said before), you'd be able to figure out what I was talking about. It's really that simple. Just do some sleuthing, you gumshoes! Monday through Friday at five! Leave a comment about that one, if you're "in the know."

Three minutes left. I have tons more to write about, but at the rate I'm going, I'll never be able to get it all down in three minutes. As you can tell, I've grown. You can tell, can't you!? God, I hope so. You had me worried for a moment. My hair is now over three feet long, it almost reaches my knees. Most people don't know it though, because I wear a goddamned hat all the goddamned time. Yeah, that's right, I ain't too proud of it, either.

Oh snap, Goober's Matrix Phone is ringing. And it's 5:01.

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