March 08, 2004

Allan Fritch: MY GOD
my dreamy socks: i am paying attention
Allan Fritch: my blog is wicked dark
my dreamy socks: did you updatae?
Allan Fritch: why has no one ever told me how dark it looks!
my dreamy socks: ?
Allan Fritch: no, but I am about to now!
Allan Fritch: because its so dark
Allan Fritch: i have to change the colors
Allan Fritch: its not supposed to be so black
Allan Fritch: its looks different on my lcd
Allan Fritch: at school
my dreamy socks: oh really?
Allan Fritch: yeah
Allan Fritch: man, everyone must think I'm totally goth
Allan Fritch: not that I'm not
my dreamy socks: yeah
my dreamy socks: you dark
my dreamy socks: gloomy person
Allan Fritch: I'm so depressed
my dreamy socks: why?
my dreamy socks: proably are
Allan Fritch: you know me
Allan Fritch: always depressed
Allan Fritch: talking about things like drowning
Allan Fritch: in BLOOD
my dreamy socks: yes
my dreamy socks: because of me
Allan Fritch: in YOUR blood

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