March 27, 2004

Here I am, sitting in my leather chair, dripping wet, naked, with my "how-do-you-do-madams" hanging out all over the place. It's really not that comfortable, but oh well. Buddy.

If you recall, I mentioned something about a contest where I would give away several of my cds to whomever could answer a certain question correctly. I don't remember the question and I don't feel like looking it up. In any event, nobody even sent in any answers and the final date of acceptance was last friday. So, alas, there are no winners. It just goes to show you that even if you don't like me you can still win my heart. I mean my cds.

The Third Man Saga has finished filming. Now it's just onto post-production and editing. Look for this brilliant story to arrive in your computers Summer/Fall 2004. Trust me, you'll be glad you did. Check out this poster, while you wait: Third Man Teaser Poster.

That's all for today I guess. I'm not really in a thinking mood, so my thoughts are not around to be written down. I'll leave you with two sets of lyrics I wrote since a time before.

To Die Alone (style of Sentenced)
Verdict is in and I'm still alive, but something inside this shell has died. Your heart, my heart, the crimson twain undone. No innocence. Once again, the snow begins to fall. You and I have been through it all, and now it's time we make separate paths. And I don't want to die alone, but your cold words are weighing on my back. Now as I walk in to the sunset, there's no turning back. Breathing in the dead silent wind, the knowing eyes, they know I have sinned. The bell tolls, the final stone is cast. Falling apart, you are breaking my heart. You pain my heart, and kill my every thought. The night blankets your deadly eyes. Snow covers my tracks, I'm never coming back. The light of hope is gone.

I Want Your Love (style of The Darkness)
Ooo baby, you're making me crazy, and I can't hold it in any longer or I will explode. I need you. I want you. Ooo baby, please don't make me tell you it again. I want your love, it don't matter how I get it. And you want mine too, oh baby, just admit it. You've got me running round in circles, and I don't know if this roller coaster will stop any time soon. I'm yours, and you're mine, and it's gonna stay that way until the end of time!

Oh and also check out some other interesting links to interesting things:
Lords of the Rhymes
Advent Rising

Movies to look forward to:
Jurrasic Park IV - directed by Steven Spieldberg
The Fountain - directed by Darren Aronofsky

CDs to look forward to:
Odd Project (download mp3 sample: here)
Shadows Fall
Unearth - The Oncoming Storm
Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache (download mp3: here)
Beyond the Embrace - Insect Song (download mp3: here)
Beastie Boys

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