June 08, 2004

I totally just updated my 'blog, it's all cool now. It's got the 'blog feedback and the 'blog profile. Plus a new name, new colors, and new picture! What do you all think? I'm so happy I could scream. If you know what the picture is, post an answer to the following question:

- What is the new picture?

I will pick a winner, probably someone who answers the question correctly, and then that person will recieve a prize! Isn't that cool? I am pretty cool, that's for sure. You don't think so? Have you seen me lately? I am the epitome of cool. In fact, I am so cool, that this chair I am sitting on is frozen like an icicle. Now, that's pretty cool.

In case you didn't know, I'm back. What the schnitzel. By back, I mean I've returned from my first year at the Institution. The first year was pretty awesome. I am now in a hip-hop band called The Infinity Complex as MC MobiĆ¼s Tripp, along with my good friend Ryan who goes by the moniker MC Radical Pi. Oo, and I can't forget Tim as DJ MathMan. I've also starred in a action/drama/comedy/thriller/horror called The Third Man, as - you guessed it - myself! I've also been assigned the grueling job of editor for the movie, which is - you guessed it - grueling! Also, along with the help of a few friends, I've successfully invented a new game called DNC. The letters are most commonly thought to stand for Dangerous & Needlessly Complicated, but it has also been called Denizens 'n Cowbell, Denizens and Citizens, Donuts 'n Coffee, Deadites 'n Cowbell, Bruce 'n Chris (wait... thats BNC), etc. If you know anymore things it may stand for, please don't wait to reply with some. Hmm... what else happened at the Institution? Well, I've also starred in two short features called The Philosophers and Doom Dorm (yes, it's just a remake of the classic somethingawful.com film Doom House). Hmm.... what else.... I have a 3.75 GPA.... I had a cool roommate, Ross, and we got this movie projector and screen and our room was an awesome theatrical movie theatre when night rolled around. Next year, I got another cool roommate, DAVE. He's so cool, you have to double-take. Also, I went to several shows at the Worcester Palladium:

- Unearth, Lamb of God, Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall
- Blistered Earth, Raven, Seven Witches (this show was supposed to have Beyond the Embrace at it, but apparently they were double booked)
- Full Blown Chaos, Walls of Jericho, Blood Has Been Shed, God Forbid
- Metalfest: (highlights) All that Remains, Machinehead, As I Lay Dying, Arch Enemy, Between the Buried and Me, Killswitch Engage, Children of Bodom, Iced Earth (this show was also supposed to have Everygrey [who were the main reason I was going] but they weren't able to play because of a power outage at the Palladium)

Now, I'm home. "Boy, is home boring?" Boy answers, "Yes." I got a truck I can use once (maybe twice) a week for things other than work or getting gas or money or something. So, I hardly ever get to do anything but sit in my house, in front of this computer, in front of the internet, in front of the world. Speaking of work, I work at a golf course from 6AM - 1PM MTWF and 6AM-9/10AM on Saturday. "What golf course?" you ask. You guessed it... the one closest to my house!! That job is pretty damn boring. I mow the golf course with two differnt push mowers, sometimes three. Also, I rake bunkers, weedwhack, cut grass with a steak knife, weed bunkers, collect trash, fill divots. You know whats funny? Whenever they say divots to me at work, I think they're saying divX. That's because I am a geek... er, I mean that's because I am so fucking awesome. Since I've been home, it seems as though the band And Forever After has broken up. I may be embellishing the truth a little here, but thats how it might seem. If we can manage to get the whole band together at one point, we'll probably have a little chat, and then I'll update all you folks.

Probably the best thing about being home, is being able to see Danielle. However, I've only been able to see her maybe four or five times since I've been home, and that's just lame. That's just a shame.

In closing, I'm doing very well. Also, in the above few paragraphs, I have taken some lines directly from the lyrics of two, yes two completely different songs. If you can figure out either of the two songs the lines are from (mind you, you also have to find the lines in order to figure out the songs) please post the answers in a nice little reply. This will be treated as a completely different contest than the one above about the picture to the left of this page. This contest will also have a prize of some sort. If you can only figure out one of the songs, but not the other, that's fine, because I think that not very many people who read my 'blog will know either of the songs, so any answer is quite possibly the winning answer (as long as it's correct). As a hint, I could tell you what paragraphs the two lines are in.

tl;dr - I am totally awesome.


Anonymous said...

I think the picture is of Weird Al impersonating Coolio, but that's a big guess. As for just one of your song lyrics "What the shnitzle." is from the beastie boys new T5B cd, the lyric is "Yo, what the schnitzel we're back". However I am not sure what the name of the song is because when I got a copy of the CD I didn't get a track listing.

Ryan said...

is it a dog? a cat?

Anonymous said...


I'm pretty sure those are you coolness tubes. You're so cool that it has manifested itself

Ryan said...

It's a dog!

Anonymous said...

the picture looks like ginseng roots. or dreds.

your songs--
"I'm so happy I could scream" is from Mint Car, by the Cure

"Have you seen my lately?" is from Have You Seen Me Lately, by the Counting Crows

Ryan said...

Is it a cat?