April 13, 2005

Cottages and Saunas

So, I got bored and decided I would make a new post for all of my regular subscribers out there in the world of worlds. Actually, I'm not really bored, I am actually really tired, and I was lying there in bed about to fall asleep when I though to myself: "Hey, why don't you make a post in your blog?" I didn't know what I was going to post at that particular moment, and I didn't really know what I was going to post up until the point I started typing this little entry. Even so, I straightened my back and set my fingers upon the keys and just started a-typin'. And what you are reading is what I started to type.

I don't really have any pressing issues on my mind; I don't think I really ever do. Maybe it's because I don't really seem to care about anything. Maybe other people just tend to make a larger deal out of things than I do. I don't really know. Carlton calls me an existentialist. According to dictionary.com an existentialist is "a philosopher who emphasizes freedom of choice and personal responsibility but who regards human existence in a hostile universe as unexplainable." I don't really know if that describes how I feel, but it partially does. I just don't really care what happens as long as I do what makes me happy. Obviously, to be happy I will need to have a good job, but also one that I enjoy. I am not totally sure lately if I am going to enjoy being a software engineer, but only time will tell. I really seem to find writing things much more enjoyable. Scratch that, I really seem to like creating a story much more enjoyable. The writing is sort of a chore to tell the story. I guess I'm just lazy. You be the judge.

Now that I've gone through some sort of philosophical rant about who-knows-what, I will tell you that I am doing fine in my classes. Physics IV isn't proving to be as hard as the last one was, however I just have to make sure I learn the material this time around. I always seem to either get stupid around the time of an exam, or maybe I just don't remember as many things as the other students because I took the other physics classes last year, and most of them took them this year. I get great grades on the homeworks, so I know the material. Software Engineering seems to be going rather smoothly, all As on the homeworks so far, and the midterm seemed to go okay. The same with Human-Computer Interaction, there is no doubt I will be getting an A in that course.

Damn, I come up with all these great stories that I want to see turned into movies, video games, or graphic novels. How do I do it? How do I get them made? I am almost positive that other people will find these things interesting. I create such awesome storylines and such awesome characters. If you read my zombie story (see the previous post) you might have caught the briefest glipse into one of the stories. "Brief," I tell you.

Lately, I have gotten a few new CDs that maybe some of my readers may enjoy hearing about. The first CD I will tell you about is the latest CD from the Brazillian metal band Angra, "Temple of Shadows." This CD has solidified Angra as one of my all-time favorite bands. Previously, I only had their album "Rebirth", which was absolutely amazing. This album took the next step. I recommend this CD to anyone who enjoys bands such as Blind Gaurdian or Symphony X. Another album I recently acquired is Sentenced's latest and last effort "The Funeral Album." Once again, this album is nothing short of amazing. Sentenced are definitely going out on a high note. If you liked "The Cold White Light," this album is sure to please. I have also recently discovered the thrill and brilliance of folk metal. If you want to find out what I am talking about, check out the bands Finntroll and Korpiklaani. I reccomend the latter over the first, mainly because their latest CD "Voice of Wilderness" is one of the most fun CDs I have heard since Edguy's "Hellfire Club" (also check out Edguy if you haven't already). Other CDs that have made their way into my possession as of late include Macabre's "Murder Metal" and "Minstrels," Mercenary's "11 Dreams," Finntroll's "Nattfodd" and "Visor om Slutet," Korpiklaani's "Spirit of the Forest," Hammerfall's "Crimson Thunder" and "Chapter V," Freedom Call's "Stairway to Fairyland," Sonata Arctica's "Reckoning Day, Reckoning Night," Trivium's "Ascendancy," Edguy's "Mandrake," and even the soundtrack to Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. You can hear songs from all of the albums if you simply tune into my radio show, The Incinerator, Tuesdays from 7-10 pm.

Before we get too far off the topic of Edguy, it would appear as though Edguy and Hammerfall are going to be doing a North American tour! Also, Rhapsody and Manowar are touring this summer also. They will be at the Palladium here in Worcester on June 18. The Edguy tour is in August, so hopefully they will be hitting up Massachusetts then.

Also, this summer is looking decent for some movies. Star Wars: Episode III, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory I will definitely--no--defiantly be seeing. Oh, and Doom! I can't forget that one! Other promising movies include War of the Worlds and that's about it. Although, it's not looking as good as it previously did. Also, I can't stand Dakota Fanning.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed reading through my half-hour's worth of ramblings. I took you from nothing to infinity, and beyond. You seemed to have lucked out; this time I actually made some sense! Whadaya know. Well, until we meet again, adventurers. I will leave you with these parting words which I read on a website: "Vin Diesel is the only person to ever achive a negative ping."

PS. Sometimes I need a girlfriend.

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