March 10, 2003

I feel as though my eyes have been wrenched from their sockets, and all that remains is the tears that once fell from them so freely. Consumed with grief, I recoil into the darkness where I once hid, but now it seems no different than the light... nothing distinguishes one from the other. I scream to the sky. I scream for the fire which burns within my mind, within my soul, within the very essence that comprises me, that comprises my world. I fall... and as the sky flashes past me, I notice the way the birds flutter their wings, the way the trees sway with the breeze, the way the starlight glints off the water below. The light that surrounds me as I fall strengthens my sight. I realize the truth, and my fall becomes flight. Without wings, I ascend higher and higher, the air passing through my thoughts like water through a stream. Enlightened, the stars greet me with warm resplendency. I reach for them, but they are gone, and in their place there is nothing. I see nothing, I feel nothing. Has the sky abandoned me, or have my eyes betrayed me? Consumed with grief, I recoil into the darkness where I once hid, but now it seems no different than the light... nothing distinguishes one from the other.

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