March 06, 2003

So, this next post could possible be the longest post I have ever posted. But don't be too sure.

I was surfing the net late last night
When my eyes beheld a beautiful site
And since I can't remember what the rest of the fucking words to the fucking song are, I'll just fucking tell you the fucking story.

So, I found this site: THORAX CORPORATION INC.,,
I like this site. It makes me grow. I felt it change me.
I took this site. I led it slow. Now it consumes me.
It's a really funny good fun site, made by the creators of (this link is for you, Josh, if you are reading this, wherever you are... rest in peace)
I always liked The Homestar Runner. A couple of people I know like him and his website and his friends, too. They are: Ryan Faillace, Becky Anderson, Brian Robson, maybe Justin "The 'Tude" LaRoche, the members of the band AFI, and many of their fans. I know I am fan, and I like the website, but I knew of it before I knew at it.

You should check out my band's website at That's my band alright. After all, I am in it, so I would know. We are called, for lack of a better name, The Chaotic Green Theory. Nick Bilotta has never heard us. I don't know if he really wants to, or if he just acts like it. If he reads my blog (which would be awe-fucking-some), then he might be snickering to himself when he reads that last statement; or he could be doing the exact opposite: swearing.

Dude! We got strobelights, and we ordered a Jolly Roger to hang behind Justin's drums when we play shows. Now you'll have to see us, for lack of something more awesome to do. When we play shows, we are the most awesome thing around. More awesome than eating at Bickford's, more awesome than driving to Worcester, and even more awesome than Sir Awesome Himself, Daniel Boon. We'll maybe not that.... that's going a little too far. Daniel Boon, my hat's off to you!

Tomorrow is Tuesday. I mean "Tomorrow is Friday." My school bus is going.... ahem... my French Class is going on a trip to the Boston Museam of Fine Arts to sample some of their fine cuisine. Cuisine, of course, being artwork. I don't like looking at artwork. It doesn't do anything. It just sits there. Or hangs there, whatever may be the case. BOOORING.

And I leave you with a song:

For now I'll just push my feelings aside
Not to worry it'll be alright
Now I'll just rest from the world that is here and what it has for me
I know what you want, I know what you need, but I can't give it
You walked away
Now turn and look at me
That's okay, I said it, I'll say it again
You want it right now
Its alright, I know everything's okay while you're here with me
Yes, I know it
So answer me right now
I'm so sorry
We'll find our own way out
So take my hand
Decide our own way
Just you and me now
Falling inside this time
You want it right now
Don't walk away
I'm here today


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