June 19, 2004

The contests are closed, and the results are in. Points will be given as follows: 1 point for any guess, 2 points for a partially correct answer, 5 points for a correct answer, and -1 point for mentioning Shawn Hunter's favorite musical group when it was clearly never referenced. Contestants in the contests are as follows, in order of appearance: Tom, Josh, Ryan, Dave, Becky.

CONTEST NUMBER ONE: What is the new picture?
CORRECT ANSWER: Brian Fair's dreds

Tom: 1 point for a guess
- Total: 1

Josh: 1 point for a guess, 5 points for the correct answer
- Total: 6

Ryan: 4 points for four guesses
- Total: 4

Dave: 1 point for a guess
- Total: 1

Becky: 2 points for two guesses, 2 points for a partially correct answer
- Total: 4

WINNER: Josh. As a prize, he will get an entire couplet about him in an upcoming Infinity Complex song.

CONTEST NUMBER TWO: What are the two songs quoted in the entry?
CORRECT ANSWER: Mint Car by The Cure ("I'm so happy I could scream") and Oh Word? by The Beastie Boys ("What the schnitzel")

Tom: 2 points for two guesses, 2 points for a partially correct answer
- Total: 4 points

Josh: Zero points for nothing
- Total: ZERO

Ryan: Zero points for nothing
- Total: ZERO

Dave: Zero points for nothing
- Total: ZERO

Becky: 2 points for two guesses, 5 points for a correct answer, -1 point for mentioning Shawn Hunter's favorite musical group when it was clearly never referenced
- Total: 6

WINNER: Becky. As a prize, she will get to buy me an ice cream sundae.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I didn't know there was a second constest!