July 29, 2004

I am dashing.

And you guys totally thought I was so straight-edge. Some of you will believe anything.


Anonymous said...

Yes, how hardcore. Stop the drugs emo boy!

- Carlton

A. Fiske said...

I'm so hardcore, I got rhymes galore, and all my verbal C4 you can't ignore anymore.

Acutally, CAL-TRON, I don't think I can be hardcore anymore, because you have to be totally straight-edge to be hardcore. And as everyone knows, in order to be straight-edge, you mush abstain from many things, one of which is DASHITUTE. So, because I am so dashing, I cannot be straight-edge, and therefore I cannot be hardcore.

Anonymous said...

You look like the lovechild of Sam Kinison and Gallagher...without the weight.
