December 23, 2006


I am hip. I got you all christmas presents. If I forgot you, suck it, Christmas is for people from Texas.

Tim Connor
Ryan Kennedy
Dave Marsh
Josh Sawyer
Brian Robson
Becky Anderson
Ryan Faillace
Chris Giant San Francisco (and the rest of the Populaticons)
Justin LaRoche
John Forbes

But seriously, I decided to get internet presents for people I know in real life and real life presents for people I only know over the internet. So all you internet people: the package is in the mail. Also, if you are a real-life person and I didn't include you, be sure to make a big to-do about it. I won't do anything, but you can at least watch all those stupid videos up there.

December 17, 2006

Accolades to All

Congratulations from the deepest corners of my hearts. You've all done very well to land such an honor as the person of the year. I am truly and utterly blown away by the dedication and care you have demonstrated in your painstakingly original and bold work. Have you changed the world? I believe you have, and I couldn't be more proud of you. And don't be so humble! Be proud of yourself, give yourself a standing ovation, shout to the heavens the name of this angel, this wonderful animal, this destroyer of worlds! You are Harry Fucking Potter!

But in retrospect, maybe I should have done more. Doesn't your victory merely showcase my inability to rise above you all? You all beat me, destroyed me, took my efforts, my goals and shat on them and then rubbed the putrid things in my face. My face! O, what abjection, what sorrowful pity! This is not only lowest hour, but my coldest, darkest, most terrifyingly hopeless hour. I fucking hate you all.

But enough of my squalid wallowing. It is a time for celebration, for I have recently become the smartest man on the face of this round globe we call mother planet Earth. Following my smartening I spiraled into an unbridled rage wherein I begat several smaller versions of myself. Together we will create a small government with such brilliant ideas and simple means for world-wide peace the world will become united under our cotton fist. Then we as a planet will be able to focus on other things like exploring the universe and also our feelings. Please remember this when you are voting in the next election. Spread the word and stay healthy.

Yours truly,

October 16, 2006

The Yggdrasil

What a terrible job it has. Imagine the difficulties of holding together not one, not two, but three worlds! I can hardly keep myself together these days. Talk about responsibility! O but I do what I can. Currently, I sit in my room in my house at home in Rhode Island. I type and listen to music. Although not usually at the same time, at least when what I type needs to have any merit. Take this instance. Take it and admire it and realize there is no music playing as I type this entry. I would tend to focus too much on the lyrics and verily they would creep into my words. And we wouldn't want a plagiarist on our collective conscience. Fuck you, I'm getting IN our collective conscience!

As of late, I have been schooled. Thrice-wise this summer and fall, though it only may feel like twice. Sometimes projects sit on the backburner of my mind until the final moments and then I just die a little inside, close the doors, open the windows, pull up a chair, and type-type-type until I am done. Sadly, this leads to nothing less than one-hundred percent A+ quality work. Except when they grade you every third of the way. I only do work in the last third. I think you can see where I am going with this so I'll stop now before I start to bore holes through your eyes.

Sometimes, in my adventures (and, dear reader, they are under the northern lights), sometimes I stumble across something that turns my soul into dust and my metal into rust. If you catch my meaning you'll see I'm talking about they sweet indie-folk elements of the Decemberists. I can't express how much their newest album "The Crane Wife" is brilliant. You would wonder how a guy like me would even like a girl like her. It is simple chemistry, really. Take two people, sit them in a room for two hours, make them each two lunches, give them each two albums to choose from, and they will clearly pick The Crane Wife. Why? I'll tell you. Because both of these people are me. I just blew my load on your mind.

When I settle down in my late twenties to early thirties I will have a wife, a house, and a strong urge to quit my job and tell the world amazing stories. Once I realize that is a strategy that will get me nowhere in life, I will keep my job, make massive amounts of money, and then quit my job to tell all the world amazing stories while I live in my amazing house with my amazing wife. Later I will become even richer.

So, now that you know of my life's work and plans and my planned life, I will bid you as honorable a farewell as I can and leave you to talk about me at your tea parties and family outings. sofuckoff

September 25, 2006

Look Around You

I always tell myself I am going to start updating this thing more often. Maybe it's because I think that if I do that people will start reading it again, and all I really am looking for in life is a little approval from my peers. I just want to be liked. However, that's not the case and I probably won't start updating this more often. I never have any time to do anything anymore on account of school and learning how to program robots to act like humans and then fool humans into thinking they're robots except they're actually humans but only when talking through a robot, as it were. I know what you're thinking. Robots are retarded. That's true. It's not even some silly stereotype, it's actually 100% candyass true. But I digress.

On the topic of digression, I tend to digress more often than one should. Oh sure, at first it seems nothing more than a harmless little side effect of said speech, but speech isn't really all that said, and in fact I never even mentioned speech before now so how did it become said in the first place? C'mon people, you've got too keep up with me here. I am on the verge of a breakthrough. Something big, something huge, something probably too grand for the whole world to know. But for now it's just you, oh loyal readers of mine blog, just you that knows my ultimate proposal, my ultimate dream, my ultimate sacrifice. This is my final sacrifice, my last goodbye to luxury, my requiem. This is my time.

Time runs in cycles. Even better, it drowns in these cycles, in these circles. Circles of uniform infiniteness unfolding into themselves, unto themselves, out of nothing into nowhere. Time is death and death is the antithesis of time as far as the mind can see. Time is the antithesis of life. Time's up. Playtime's over. Nice car, think I'll take it. I am so high right now.

So, losers, how have you all been? I haven't heard from you in a while. Why don't you leave a comment on myspace? Don't really I don't have a myspace. I only have a state space. Sometimes I spend hours at night searching it. State space searches are a great way to kill time when you're bored or putting off homework that's due in a few minutes. Sometimes I even do a breadth-first search if I am feeling really really bored. But that is hardly ever, considering the manners of crazy shit that are usually going down in this freakin' apartment. Sometimes I just have to shut my door, shut my mouth, open my eyes, put on The Cure and cry silently into the night, into the bleak darkness that is my mind, my heart, my soul, my pillow. I am so lonely right now.

Call me and we'll talk. Also tell other people to call me. Spread the word and I'll be famous in minutes, or spictrins. Four thousand million billispictrins.

August 18, 2006

The Wolverstone Complication

It's over. Officially. "What is over?" you would be prone to ask. And I would answer: "My life." Of course I would be lying (dear God, I hope!) and then you'd simply tilt your head and look at me as if you were a dog and I just said the word "food." Next, you'd start wagging your tail and getting all excited; you'd probably start to run around and bark and drool because you'd think you're getting some food.

But you're not.

You're getting really annoyiing. And Armageddon slightly off-topic. The topic at hand is the summer and I have had enough of it! Where does it get off?!? Srsly. Sometimes I just want to take the goddamn summer-of-a-bitch by the neck and squeeze until all the sun just drops out of the sky and its freakin' fall alreay.

What did I do this summer? Nothing. Zip. Nada. Zothing. Nip. Zado. Nacho. But of course, I could be lying. Tell you what. I'm going to have a contest right here in my blog, just like the good ol' days. Whoever can spot the most sentences wherein I tell a lie will win the contest. And just what is the prize? A brand new car! A lifetime supply of chocolate! A lifetime supply of cars! A brand new life! Etc and so forth. So keep your eyes peeled for those lies and deceits because this journal entry COULD BE abounding with them.

I was going to title this entry "My Summer in Review" and review all the stuff I mentioned in my last entry (you know -- CDs, movies, video games, concerts, fashion, bicycles) but I don't think I will actually do that. You know why? Because I don't like to live in the past!

So... um... now I don't seem to have anything to talk about seeing as my plans to review the summer are out the window. Well, don't be surprised if I disappear off the face of the earth next week. All my best friends are doing it, and my bestest friends have been doing it for years (it seems!). So until next time, do something cool involving me and have a generically awesome thing!

April 26, 2006

On the Grace of My Nightmares

I just saved your family.

March 05, 2006

The Time Engine Paradox

Lude's dead.

My vision turns cloudy as I sit here, shivering, alone in my room. It fills with smoke, I don't know why. Maybe I'm dying. No. Shake that thought from my head. Maybe I've been lying here too long, so long in fact that the luminance from my computer screen is teasing my eyes into phasing out the rest of the room. Maybe I'm just tired.

It's been several long weeks since last I fed this journal any tails. Swallowtails, preferebly. I've been living near the top of the hill called Worcester for the last seven weeks. I do this four times a year. I enjoy the scenery, the wonderful snowfalls that drape the land in whites and blues; I learn the ways of the software engineer, the electrical engineer, the chemist, the physcologist, the mathemortician, and most of all the friend. Yes, my friends are like me: the chemist, the software engineer, the mathemortician, the electrical engineer. I'm rambling. Maybe I'm just tired.

I got a fortune cookie today. It said "You will make a name for yourself." That's probably the most accurate fortune cookie I've ever gotten. The amount of names I've made for myself I couldn't even count on one hand. Unless of course it means I'm going to be famous. If that's the case, then the fates had better be reading this. Speaking of fates, the best bands in the world as of late appear to be Elvenking and Dragonland. I know what you are thinking and you can just stop right there. No, I am not a dragon nor an elf, but that's the glory of music! Anyone, anywhere, at any time can enjoy music if they only have ears, a way to get music, and deep pockets. It's that simple. Or maybe I'm just tired.

Have you read the Golden Compass? Have you read the Subtle Knife? Have you read the Amber Spyglass? In a perfect world, I would only have to ask the first of those three questions, following which I would be able to correctly assume the answers to the second and third question were the same. Sadly, this is not a perfect world and I am not a perfect person (argue it if you want, but I can present a formal proof if needed). However, let's not get off track. Those three aforementioned books comprise the best fantasy trilogy of recent years, "His Dark Materials." Yes, I would even dare to say it's definitely better than those Harry Potter books, and I must say that I have never read them, nor do I plan on it. Well, if you answered "no" to "Have you read the Golden Compass?" then I recommend you go to your nearest library or bookstore, get it and read it. Of course, it will only follow that you will then read the following two, because the first just leaves you wanting more, and they only get better. Or maybe I'm just tired.

I must say, after reading above said books, my affinity for writing has once again been sparked. These affectuous sparks pale in comparison to... yeah, I'm tired. Please respond with your nominations for the 2005 - 2006 annual Adam Fiske is Awesome Awards. Thank you and may you rest in peace.