December 31, 2005

Deus Ex Machina

It's my 21st birthday. Right. Fucking. Now. I know what you are thinking. Why aren't you out getting drunk, reveling in high spirits, painting the town red, etc and so on? Well, it's simple really. It's 12:40 in the morning and it's only been my birthday for 40 minutes. Coupled with the fact that I don't drink, have no car, no friends, and no magical powers I am at a standstill. What I really should be doing is finishing this book. It's really a pretty neat book and I am really enjoying it. Of course, I was enjoying it more when I was reading it, but hey, computers are computers are distractions from almost everything in existence these days. But in all honesty, I promised someone I would have the book read by something like this weekend. I don't know if that will happen because I am rather lax in finishing the book (i.e. there are still roughly 300 pages left), but I will give it my all and my all ain't just a stick in the mud.

So a lot has happened in the two or three months since the last time I wrote a majestic entry in this electronic book, this holy of holies, this internet webamajig. Let's see... where to begin. Well, first of all, I had a lot more schooling since. In fact, I had another seven weeks, two classes, and one third of an IQP's worth of schooling. I learned a lot and now I am a changed man. The brilliance of it all was all in my head. That's not to say I imagined the whole thing, but rather that I am a rather brilliant human being. Truth be told, I am one of only two people I know who's clean-shaven bald head actually makes one wince and squint due to the immense amount of brilliantage shining forth. Why do you think I had to grow my hair so long? Nay, 'tis not simply my wit's desire, but it was a desideratum, a necessary evil if you will (and I know you will).

Yes, school was fun. And now it is winter break. The three weeks where I sit at home planning to do all sorts of things but not doing anything but nothing. Part of the reason is no car, as stated earlier. Part of the reason is no friends, as stated earlier. Part of the reason is no magical powers, as stated earlier. And part of the reason is no motivation, as stated earlier. However, a few neat things did happen so far on this break of breaks, this holy of holies, this--well, let's not start that again. One week ago tomorrow was Christmas. That's right, Christmas. Although for me it seemed to last three days. Three days of complete eternity. And yes, I did get some things. Things I will not mention here, but instead I will mention them over here: a lap top, some sticky notes, a tooth brush, a sticky top, some tooth notes, a lap brush, a tooth top, some lap notes, and a sticky brush. Mind you, these are all things I will use and that is why this was a very good Christmas.

In keeping with my pattern of starting paragraphs with short two or three letter words, I begin this paragraph accordingly. Anybody out there in the technological community looking to hire employees? Because hey, here's my resume. I wrote it up today, and I must say, I haven't stopped admiring it since. It's really one of the best resumes I have ever seen on my webspace, and that's including the one Severus Snape sneakily stored there several seasons ago. Speaking skillfully of my webspace, I also recently updated my public_html/index, dare I say yesterday. If you would like to check that out, point your browser to You'll instantly notice that the color scheme matches my new eye-pleasing scheme here, and therefore it is simply superior to its predecessor.

And I suppose that brings us to the end of this plethoric entry. I would like to apologize to the book which I should be reading and all involved. I'll see you guys next year. Until then, please don't forget what I look like (some good ways to do this are to constantly pine over pictures of me, or simply draw my face wherever you are, whenever you have the chance) and Godspeed.

October 13, 2005

Oh, and Ted...

(Elenium - For Me)

"This time for Hosui!" These were the words Brian shouted as he pounded the last bit of ignorance into my feeble and weathered skull of a brain. Brain. Brian. Coincedence? I think so, probably. I mean, sure, sometimes I call the kid Brain, but that is usually a type-o or something when I am talking to him on AIM or whatever. I don't think I've actually said his name outloud anyway, let alone outloud incorrectly. Well, I am sure I have said "brain" out loud, but never referring to the kid. What I mean to say is "Brian, you are a great kid, don't change for anything or anyone no matter what anyone tells you. You're the beast."

(Mnemic - Jack Vegas)

So, yeah. I am done with school. Or as they say here "I am done with A Term." Who knows why they say that. Anywho, I just finished up my 9th year here at WPI and soon I'll be in my 10th. Years here only last like 7 weeks, though, so don't go thinking that I have been going here forever or anything. I think altogether, I will be here for 16 years, and if I go for my masters it will be 20 years. So, yeah, but this year is over. And boy, WHAT A YEAR! The things I did, the people I met, the places I visited! All I can say is "WOW." Seriously, there is no better word to describe it. I mean, I am still just getting over the amazing rollercoaster ride that was this year, and I will try and relate the things I did, but I can't guarentee that it will be correct or anything.

(Kiuas - The Discipline of Steel)

Well, I wrote a screenplay. It's done and awesome. You may probably remember past posts about it. It's called Deadtime and it stars The Rock. Characters include Dimitri Malone, Bravo Johnson, Elliot Eldritch, Montana Jackson, Eddie Johnson, Alysin Knight, Zackariah Knight, and everyone's favorite Ted Logan's brother Deacon Logan. Story elements include time travel, merciless slaughter, zombies, insanity, infinite power, one-liners, mind control, and everyone's favorite Ted Logan's brother Deacon Logan. Click on the following link to get it! Deadtime! The file has some extra sufficiency stuff in it; the screenplay itself starts on page 6.

(Kiuas - The Discipline of Steel [sorry it's like 12 minutes long])

Another thing that you might be expecting me to write about here in this log is maybe movies I've seen or new bands/CDs I've listened to. Well then, looks like you were wrong! I mean right, actually. What a type-o! Movies I watched this year at school and enjoyed include the following: Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, The Rundown, Primer, xXx, and Batman Begins. Movies that were okay include: The Transporter, The Transporter 2, Are You Being Served? The Movie, Face/Off, and The Machinist. Movies I did not enjoy include: HG Wells' War of the Worlds, Hide and Creep, and probably others I blocked out of my mind. I am sure I haven't listed all the movies I saw, but you'll have to just fucking deal with that you motherfucking little bitches.

(Eldritch - This Everlasting Mind Disease)

You know what's kind of neat? When I pick up one of the soda cans on my desk that is presumably empty but it's actually full of soda. Or even better... CHOCOLATE!! That just happened right now. I am pretty freakin' delighted about that.

(Edguy - Superheroes)

I totally forgot to talk about bands or CDs or what-have-yous or what-have-you-nots that I have recently purchased/listened to/gotten into. Cool new bands that I am reallly liking are Elenium, Amoral, Manitou, Eldritch, Mnemic, The Crown, Imperanon, Kamelot, Scar Symmetry, and Savage Circus. The rest of the bands I listen to aren't new to me as of this year. Some CDs I've got from NOT these new bands are Edguy - Superheroes, Kiuas - The Discipline of Steel, Kiuas - Winter in June, Kiuas - Born Under the Northen Lights. Yeah, that's about it, I don't really like feeling like going into detail on this stuff. In fact...

(Edguy - Spooks in the Attic)

...this journal entry is coming to a clothes! I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it! Well, until next time, listen to The Incinerator, don't smoke, tell people how awesome I am, and send me presents!

July 10, 2005

The Birth of a Hero

(Edguy - Out of Control)

I hope you guys got a good look at the last post in my blog because it has now and forevermore been removed from the internet. Forevermore? Who am I, Blind Guardian? Hansi Kursch? Speaking of whom, he is singing on this Edguy song right now.

Anyway, for the past few weeks my life has been in complete shambles. I can't sleep, I don't eat, I never shower; everything is just terrible. It all started when my parents were killed in that terrible accident. Oh god, I can't even talk about it. Just hold me.

(Garth Brooks - Friends in Low Places)

On a happier note, I have been working a lot these days and I've been pocketing quite the tidy wad of cash. I've made nearly three million dollars so far this summer, and things can only get beter from here. Especially considering the state of my affairs (as mentioned in the previous paragraphle).

My little album I've been writing has been coming along great. I've finished all but one track on the album, making for a total of 37 minutes of extreme hard-hitting heavy melodic poser metal. I mean power metal, not poser metal. Don't ever call me that again or you'll find yourself en route to the horse-pital. So be sure to ask me about this album, Empyrean, next time you see me and I will probably ignore you or skirt the question entirely.

(Danny Elfman - Augustus Gloop)

I've gotten to the movies TWICE so far this summer. Scratch that, THRICE. But I've only seen two movies. Star Wars and War of the Worlds. Basically, I only see movies with the word "war" in the title these days. It's some psychological problem I have developed within the last few weeks. I went to a couple of different doctors and they can't really pinpoint the problem, but they assume it has something to do with my failure to reconcile with my parents before their untimely death. Oh god, here I go again. This is just too difficult to write about.

(Evergrey - The Great Deceiver)

One of these days, though, I will have to let all my feelings out. Perhaps I will veil them in the dialogue and actions in my upcoming movie that I will be writing at school as soon as I get back. I still don't have a name for it but it involves the following things: zombies, time travel, shotguns, katanas, guitars, love, betrayal, Bravo Johnson and Dimitri Malone. So you'll have to be sure to check that out when it's finished. If you have any suggestions for names for this movie (be it only from the thin body of information I have provided you), be sure to post these suggestion in your feedback or metion them to me in other places. Just as with my album, however, I will most likely ignore you or skirt the issue. It's just too difficult for me to talk about these things with people.

(Thunderstone - Another Time)

There will be no goodbyes this time.

June 09, 2005

I am Becoming More and More Like my Alter-egos Every Day

Welcome to another month of fame, fortune, and all around debauchery. If you are just joining us, you're watching Adam Fiske the "Ultimate" Human.

(Bon Jovi - You Give Love a Bad Name)

That song reminds me of Bravo Johnson. It's mainly because Bon Jovi and Bravo Johnson both have the same initials (BJ, if you couldn't figure it out on your own). And that allows me to segue into the next part of my journal entry rather easily. It seems that I have had a brilliant idea the other day wherein I have realized how to meld the characters and various stories I have created into one epic saga. Now, you might be thinking to yourself "How in the world was that a nice easy segue!?" Let me tell you. One of these characters is none other than Bravo Johnson! Other characters include Dimitri Malone, Dr. Elliot Eldritch, Eddie Johnson, Jack, and one more main character whom I haven't come up with a name for yet, but she is a female assassin. Now, you might be thinking to yourself "Why did he just start of this sentence in the exact same way as that other one?!" Let me tell you. It's called parallelism, buddy. I am not going to explain to you how all of these characters work in the grand scheme of the story; I am not even going to tell you the main outline of the story. All I am going to mention are two words: zombie epic.

(Symphony X - Absence of Light)

If you hadn't already noticed by now, I haven't written anything since I have been out of school. This is why the above paragraph may not have been as concise and straightforeward as I had wished it to be. In fact, you may have absolutely no idea what I was even talking about up there, in that hallowed jumble of thoughts as words. Do you know why I haven't written anything since school? Let me tell you. I have been busy. I bet most of you actually guessed that. I have been working, reading, composing, etc. I have been working at the golf course from 6-2 everyday followed by working at my grandmother's house for another hour or so. Usually after such a day, I have been coming home, relaxing for about an hour and then eating dinner. After dinner I relax some more while reading chapters from the book "How To Make a Good Script Great," and writing various pieces for my concept album "Empyrean."

(Kataklysm - The Resurrected)

Now, I know most of my readers do not care much about my TabIt exploits, but I feel like telling you about this album of mine anyway. The name is Empyrean, if you hadn't already noticed above. The concept behind it is this movie idea I came up with sometime around sixth grade. Some of you may have even read parts of this movie. It involves a young man who was given special powers at his birth by his father. Then he goes on a raucus cross-galaxy adventure to save the universe from evil! Along the way he runs into all sorts of obstacles such as bounty hunters (with such creative names as Spoce Eschewitt, Psykoon, and Ravne), mountain guardians called Neoke, and the evil lord of the universe Master Norlock who also turns out to be... HIS FATHER!! I wonder where I came up with such an interesting and unique idea for a movie back in sixth grade. Maybe we will never know.

(Kiuas - And the North Star Cried)

Speaking of Kiuas, this band has recently become one of my favorite bands ever. They are like a mix of power metal, folk metal, and black metal. But how can such a mix of metals sound like anything good? It works perfectly. I reccommend this CD to anyone who can get their greedy little hands on it. Kiuas - The Spirit of Ukko.

I don't really have much else to ramble on about here, so I think that this will be it for this month's installation of my various adventures across the snow. Until next month, keep on looking handsome and getting medals.

May 05, 2005

The End of the Road

Well, here it is, Kiddo. The sophomore year is over. Just think, two more years and then I am introduced to real life. Seems scary, huh? Psh... that's what you think. Keep that shit to yourself.

(Beastie Boys - I Don't Know)

Here I sit, alone in my dorm. My roommate Dave has already moved out for the summer; he left sometime this evening at about eight. Since then, I have packed all of my stuff sans my computer, because my computer is my only connection to you people right now. I made myself an OfficeBase(tm) for this last night at WPI. It's pretty neat, Tim is right. For those of you who don't know the power of the OfficeBase(tm), it is the magical area that is created when you make yourself a desk that sticks out from the wall, so people can sit on the other side of it and you can give them job interviews. It's like you're a boss; it gives you the feeling of ultimate power, really.

(John Williams - Anakin vs. Obi-wan)

So, I've gotten all my classes and projects squared away for next year. First term I will be taking Social Psychology along with Foundations of Embedded Computer Systems. Yes, that's right, I am taking NO computer science courses first term. However, you would be quick to notice that I did not list three classes, the normal number of classes one takes during a term here at WPI. I am doing my Sufficiency first term. And do you know what I get to do for it? I get to write a fuckin' screenplay. Suck on that, all you sucker MC wannabes! That's right, while most people have to write 20-50 page papers about why John Donne wanted God to rape him or why some guy from Rhode Island really liked jams, I get to write a 120 page screenplay about anything (most likely zombies and dragons).

(Opeth - Hope Leaves)

Do you guys even want to know what I am doing for my other three terms? After that last paragraph, you are probably shaking your boots right off your feet to find out what other awesome stuff I am doing next year. Well, I am also doing my IQP, which involves PLAYING FUCKING DOOM 3. Take that to your bank and cash it! That is going to take up the other three terms, so I'll only be taking two other classes each of those terms, also. Second term my classes include Database Systems and Digital Sound Design. The glory about this term is that MTRF I have a single one hour class at 4 in the afternoon, and on Wednesday I have one 3 hour class at one o'clock. Third term I am taking Molecularity and Foundations of Computer Science. There is no glory within third term, it's usually the worst. Final term finds me taking Database Systems II and Cognitave Psychology. Then the year is over.

(Sentenced - The Luxury of a Grave)

Well, blast, work begins soon at the golf course. Hopefully I'll have more to do than just work this summer, though. I have to read some books to prepare for writing my screenplay. I want to see a bunch of movies also (Star Wars III, Willy Wonka, Doom). Speaking of movies, I recently saw Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy and it was awesome. I would definately not mind paying another ten dollars to see it again at the theaters. I also recently saw Kung Fu Hustle, which I must say was a bit of a letdown. This summer also holds some great concerts such as Rhapsody/Manowar and Edguy/Hammerfall, so that will be fun.

(Elliot Smith - Say Yes)

If you are still reading after all of that boring shit, I applaud you. You are such a darling. I have a giant bottle of soda sitting here on my desk that hasn't been opened, and I don't plan on opening it anytime soon. By that, I mean I don't plan on opening it until I get home. These WPI provided chairs are really uncomfortable. Hey, if you want to see something totally cool, check this out: this. Reading through all of this redundant stuff may have been worth it afterall, if only to see that awesome photograph. I bet you all can't wait to see me once I get home from school. On a rather depressing note to end this entry, I suffered a random anxiety attack just the other day. It was very strange; probably one of the worst feelings I've ever had. It was the first one I have ever had, and hopefully the last, because I am too existential for that kind of stuff. Seriously. Sportacus is the coolest person ever.

April 13, 2005

Cottages and Saunas

So, I got bored and decided I would make a new post for all of my regular subscribers out there in the world of worlds. Actually, I'm not really bored, I am actually really tired, and I was lying there in bed about to fall asleep when I though to myself: "Hey, why don't you make a post in your blog?" I didn't know what I was going to post at that particular moment, and I didn't really know what I was going to post up until the point I started typing this little entry. Even so, I straightened my back and set my fingers upon the keys and just started a-typin'. And what you are reading is what I started to type.

I don't really have any pressing issues on my mind; I don't think I really ever do. Maybe it's because I don't really seem to care about anything. Maybe other people just tend to make a larger deal out of things than I do. I don't really know. Carlton calls me an existentialist. According to an existentialist is "a philosopher who emphasizes freedom of choice and personal responsibility but who regards human existence in a hostile universe as unexplainable." I don't really know if that describes how I feel, but it partially does. I just don't really care what happens as long as I do what makes me happy. Obviously, to be happy I will need to have a good job, but also one that I enjoy. I am not totally sure lately if I am going to enjoy being a software engineer, but only time will tell. I really seem to find writing things much more enjoyable. Scratch that, I really seem to like creating a story much more enjoyable. The writing is sort of a chore to tell the story. I guess I'm just lazy. You be the judge.

Now that I've gone through some sort of philosophical rant about who-knows-what, I will tell you that I am doing fine in my classes. Physics IV isn't proving to be as hard as the last one was, however I just have to make sure I learn the material this time around. I always seem to either get stupid around the time of an exam, or maybe I just don't remember as many things as the other students because I took the other physics classes last year, and most of them took them this year. I get great grades on the homeworks, so I know the material. Software Engineering seems to be going rather smoothly, all As on the homeworks so far, and the midterm seemed to go okay. The same with Human-Computer Interaction, there is no doubt I will be getting an A in that course.

Damn, I come up with all these great stories that I want to see turned into movies, video games, or graphic novels. How do I do it? How do I get them made? I am almost positive that other people will find these things interesting. I create such awesome storylines and such awesome characters. If you read my zombie story (see the previous post) you might have caught the briefest glipse into one of the stories. "Brief," I tell you.

Lately, I have gotten a few new CDs that maybe some of my readers may enjoy hearing about. The first CD I will tell you about is the latest CD from the Brazillian metal band Angra, "Temple of Shadows." This CD has solidified Angra as one of my all-time favorite bands. Previously, I only had their album "Rebirth", which was absolutely amazing. This album took the next step. I recommend this CD to anyone who enjoys bands such as Blind Gaurdian or Symphony X. Another album I recently acquired is Sentenced's latest and last effort "The Funeral Album." Once again, this album is nothing short of amazing. Sentenced are definitely going out on a high note. If you liked "The Cold White Light," this album is sure to please. I have also recently discovered the thrill and brilliance of folk metal. If you want to find out what I am talking about, check out the bands Finntroll and Korpiklaani. I reccomend the latter over the first, mainly because their latest CD "Voice of Wilderness" is one of the most fun CDs I have heard since Edguy's "Hellfire Club" (also check out Edguy if you haven't already). Other CDs that have made their way into my possession as of late include Macabre's "Murder Metal" and "Minstrels," Mercenary's "11 Dreams," Finntroll's "Nattfodd" and "Visor om Slutet," Korpiklaani's "Spirit of the Forest," Hammerfall's "Crimson Thunder" and "Chapter V," Freedom Call's "Stairway to Fairyland," Sonata Arctica's "Reckoning Day, Reckoning Night," Trivium's "Ascendancy," Edguy's "Mandrake," and even the soundtrack to Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. You can hear songs from all of the albums if you simply tune into my radio show, The Incinerator, Tuesdays from 7-10 pm.

Before we get too far off the topic of Edguy, it would appear as though Edguy and Hammerfall are going to be doing a North American tour! Also, Rhapsody and Manowar are touring this summer also. They will be at the Palladium here in Worcester on June 18. The Edguy tour is in August, so hopefully they will be hitting up Massachusetts then.

Also, this summer is looking decent for some movies. Star Wars: Episode III, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory I will definitely--no--defiantly be seeing. Oh, and Doom! I can't forget that one! Other promising movies include War of the Worlds and that's about it. Although, it's not looking as good as it previously did. Also, I can't stand Dakota Fanning.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed reading through my half-hour's worth of ramblings. I took you from nothing to infinity, and beyond. You seemed to have lucked out; this time I actually made some sense! Whadaya know. Well, until we meet again, adventurers. I will leave you with these parting words which I read on a website: "Vin Diesel is the only person to ever achive a negative ping."

PS. Sometimes I need a girlfriend.

March 16, 2005

You Might be Adam Fiske if...
You like:

Metal, movies, steak, music, Sonata Artica, writing stories, video games, Doom, Deus Ex, Star Wars, hilarity, subtle wit, suspense and drama, intrigue and action, adventure and romance, life and death, Blind Guardian, The Third Man, The Infinity Complex, getting feedback about Rock and Roll, The Incinerator (Tuesdays 7-10), writing music, zombies, Sequoia, Symphony X, Dead Alive, Evil Dead 2, Jeff Goldblum, Plot Device: The Man, The Myth, The Legend, computer science, looking good, looking good by wearing hats, being dashing, And Forever After, Bruce Campbell, complete badassery, water, steak, All That Remains, Edguy, Independence Day, movies that plain out rock, movies that make you think, watching movies that are absolutely fucking horrible, flannel, having more style than Jamaica's got mangos, The Beastie Boys, The Skull Tomb Boys, The Gravity Gang, The Gravity Gang Guardian, Edguy, Angra, Shadows Fall, Evil Dead, chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool and all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, DNC, quantum physics, thinking all too much, general levity, coming in three flavors like neopolitan ice cream, Bravo Johnson, Dimitri Malone, etc.

If you like upwards of about eight of those things, you might be my perfect match! How about that? Also, the three worst movies I have ever seen are the following: Dark Star, The Matrix Revolutions, Corpses are Forever

February 28, 2005

Sup Kids?
Cash Register here tellin' all y'all the funky breakin' news of the moment. Storm on the horizon, tonight is looking like a 5.OWNED on the Andy Richter scale. Am I right? In other news, Josh shaved his head. He has an angular face.

Your mom has an angular face.

Your mom is like a struct.... she ain't got no class!!

So, here I be at school gettin' by on five senses a day and I am just having a fresh time. I got no worries ('cept failing all my GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING CLASSES) and ain't 2 proud 2 beg. 2 kool 4 skool 4EVER. Scrumptious foods in the moments. What I mean by that is it is dinner time in t minus 8 minutes and counting. I may just continue to fill out this 'blog until that time as if it were some sort of survery. Nice alliteration, jackass.

Someday soon (BREAKDOWN!) I will be posting an awesome story about Zombies that I have been writing in my Creative Writing class (EN3217). I don't have a name for it yet (tentative title - Zombie Attack) but the chapters are as follows:

1. Rock and Roll
2. Relative Physics and Shotgun Blasts
3. The Introduction of a Third Person
4. "Allison, I'm Worried About Eddie"
5. Eddie's Last Internal Monologue
6. Beyond the Void

It's going to be sweet, fut bor now I have to do some major rewrites. I also just found out that I could have taken a freakin' sweet independent film class here at good ol' WPI. Way to inform your students, eh?

T minus 2 minutes and counting. (Power Metal Solo!)

So, in other other news, I should be working on my Social Implications of Automated Guided Vehicle Systems in Society paper, but as luck would have it, it is now time to EAT THE FOOD!

Songs that have played (in Winamp) while I made this post:
MC Hammer - U Can't Touch This
Unearth - This Lying World
Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al
Angra - Waiting Silence
Elliot Smith - The Ballad of Big Nothing

January 25, 2005

I did better than I thought I would.

82 again...

January 19, 2005

Other people have title boxes, I make my own

So, here I sit playing my guitar. I was practicing sweeping. I'm not entirely too great at it yet, I can't really do the down-sweep. I'm pretty sloppy on the upsweep, but that's because I can't mute the other strings correctly. Speaking of guitars, the band recorded a 4 song EP over Christmas break. All the music is recorded, but because the guy recording us was pressed for time recording two other bands and his own, the vocals have not been recorded yet. Hopefully, they will be recorded sometime soon, so we can get the music out to our fans. Yes, that's right, the five of you are soon to have some great AFA music in your heads in maybe less than a month. If you're good. The EP is titled Twenty Minutes of White Noise and the tentative tracklisting is something like:

A Dozen Dead Roses
Heartache Revolution
When the Stars Disgraced the Sky

Yeah, they've got some pretty emo names. But anyway, the cd will be most likely entirely free on or, unless you want to give us money and get a hardcopy yourself. But the cd cover will be online for you to download also, so you can just burn the songs onto a cd and then printout the cover, and then BAM, you have a cd.

There's a party in Goober's pants.

Speaking of Christmas Vacation, I'm sure you are all eagerly wondering exactly what I got for Christmas. And for those of you in the know, you'd know my birthday wasn't too long ago either. So maybe you are wondering what I got for that also. However, I won't tell you exactly what I got from each, I will just list four or five items, and you'll have to guess for which I recieved each. List: vacuum, Bosses from Hell calendar, FULLSCREEN Star Wars dvds (YEAH!!), some clothes, $100,000,000 gift certificates to Newbury Comics. If you guess correctly, you win a prize.

Now I am back in school. I have three BRAND NEW classes. They are called Creative Writing, Modern Physics, and Social Implications of Information Processing. Also, I have a radio show called The Incinerator which plays metal music every Tuesday at 8 pm - 10 pm. You can listen at It's pretty sweet. Although, last night's show had to be cancelled because they wouldn't let us into the studio. However, I sent a court letter to the director of the campus center and hopefully all will be resolved by next weekend, where we might play an extra long show because we are a show behind. So, stay tuned for that!

Speaking of Creative Writing, I should be doing that write now. I have to analyze three other students' poems and then write a poem reflecting on the review of the other three students' poems. Believe it or not.