December 06, 2004

A Forthright Look at Doom 3 vs. Half-Life 2
or Why I like Doom 3 Better.

Let's be frank, people. Everyone wanted to know which of these two blockbuster hits was going to bust the other's block. Well, I've extensively studied and collected data on each, and I am about to divulge all that I have learned RIGHT HERE in this thing that I call a WEB LOG.

In the media, Half Life 2 was the clear winner. My good friend has also fallen to this scam. But he is wrong. Straightout R-O-N-G. But wait, this isn't about how my friends are wrong, it's aobut why I like Doom 3 better than Half Life 2.

Part I: Graphics

I have compiled some screenshot comparaisons from the two games containing similar elements. On a side note, these shots were both taken using the setting I ran both games at. Half-Life 2 had all options as high as possible, whereas Doom 3 was on the 3rd available resolution out of about 6, and the video quality was set at medium. I just think that's interesting. Have a look see:

I will refer to these shots as OUTDOORS, CHARACTERS, and ENVIRONMENT, respectively. As you can see, the outdoor environments in Doom are far more detailed, although they don't appear very often. In Half-Life the outdoor environments are huge and they show up a lot, but we'll get to that later, this section is explicitly about graphics. Now, in the CHARACTERS picture you can see a great difference in their rendering. Look at your hand, there are many many shadows on it, and in the Doom 3 shot, the shadows are rendered over every bit and fiber of that man. In Half-Life 2, the characters, although about the same size in both games, seem to take up less space, reflect and deflect less. My friend said they seem to have more literal character, though, which is most likely true, because the characters are more developed than any in Doom 3, but as for models, I do belive I enjoy the Doom models by far. Also, Hell was by far the most aesthetically stunning level I have ever played in any game ever (see ENVIRONMENTS).

Section II: Gameplay
I'll admit, when it comes to variety of gameplay Half-Life 2 wins, hands down. There's zombie killing levels, action-packed vehicle chases, and straighout intense warfare in the middle of crumbling city-streets. Sometimes, it almost seemed like Valve were trying to put as many different styles of game into Half-Life 2 as possible. This caused for an inconsistent feel in the game overall. It was very fun to play, but I would often lose track of just what I was doing all the time. The dune buggy section of the game dragged on far too long, also. I like FPSs, and that's what I bought the game for, along with it's "perfect storyline." The high speed action of the buggy was fun, but when it flipped over, it just became an exercise of getting out of the buggy and shooting upright again. The warfare level was one of the best levels I've played in a game. The zombie level, once again, dragged on too long. It was more of just a way for Valve to show off their fancy physics engine (which was pretty cool).

However, Doom 3 did have it's own physics engine of comparable qualtiy. However, the boys at ID decided not to show it off overzealously. Desk chairs, barrels and enemy bodies all moved according to the laws of physics, every particle reacting accordingly. The enemy bodies do dissolve when killed, though, BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING DEMONS, so nobody really noticed the physics engine. Doom also only had one type of gameplay: hack and slash, run and gun, shoot and shoot some more and don't ask fucking questions. That's what they were going for, though. And it also just happens to be my favorite type of gameplay. I was happy. There was a chainsaw and a shotgun and I was content. It harkened back to the days of Doom and Wolfenstein and Blake Stone, and I was content. There were even platform style boss battles.

Part-Section III: Atmosphere/Storyline
If you read well, you will have noticed that I put "perfect storyline" in quotes when referring to Half-Life 3's storyline. Well, there was a reason for this. It wasn't actually a "perfect storyline." In fact, it had no discernable beginning, and no conclusion. Most of the time I forgot what I was doing. Everyone looked to Gordon Freeman as this saviour, but I didn't even know what I was really saving them from. I could see they were living in a police state, and I think I was supposed to be freeing them from oppression. But the game didn't conclude and tell me if I accomplished anything. I think I had a love interest in the game, but I also think she DIED at the end.

Maybe, I'm wrong. Doom 3, as far as I am concerned, had a much more complete and concrete storyline. I am sent in to replace a marine on the Mars base, and then fucking hell breaks loose. And I know I have to survive. I have to go meet up with the other soldiers in Delta Labs, I have to fight my way through hell. The storyline actually unfolds. Half-Life tries to throw a twist into the story, but then that twist untwists itself. In Doom 3, I have to survive, I have to save myself, not other people. Maybe it's because I'm an existentialist. There's also a definite conclusion where I SAVE THE PLANET. Yeah, I sent those wretched hellspawn back to whence they came. Or did I? I smell a sequel. No, I don't really. Or do I?

The atmosphere is FAR FAR better in Doom 3. I felt that I was actually in the UAC base, and I was fighting to get out of there, fighting to rid the planet of hellspawn, fighting to find out the truth. I didn't really feel like I was liberating a suppressed people in Half-Life 2. I just felt like I was in the middle of action. I didn't know why, really. I had to go meet up with people at different places, and then they'd just send me to another place. And you know what? After about 10 hours of gameplay, I was right back in the same city I had started in. What did I even accomplish driving along the coastline? I got some new weapons? The city is now in shambles; a war has been going on since I decided to take my drive and get my useless antlions. I didn't feel like these peoples' leader, they were the ones telling me what to do.

Final Thoughts
In the end, these are two completely different types of games. Doom 3 is about atmosphere, it's like a horror movie. Half-Life 2 is about gameplay, it's like an action movie. Doom 3 felt more complete and satisfying to me, whereas when I was completely done with Half-Life 2, I wasn't even sure what I had done. Bottom line, I liked Doom 3 better.

My Results:

1. Thomas Hobbes   (100%)  Click here for info
2. David Hume   (91%)  Click here for info
3. Nietzsche   (90%)  Click here for info
4. Jean-Paul Sartre   (89%)  Click here for info
5. Cynics   (79%)  Click here for info
6. Stoics   (76%)  Click here for info
7. Ayn Rand   (67%)  Click here for info
8. Spinoza   (56%)  Click here for info
9. Epicureans   (52%)  Click here for info
10. Kant   (44%)  Click here for info
11. John Stuart Mill   (44%)  Click here for info
12. Jeremy Bentham   (41%)  Click here for info
13. Prescriptivism   (39%)  Click here for info
14. Nel Noddings   (35%)  Click here for info
15. Aquinas   (32%)  Click here for info
16. Aristotle   (31%)  Click here for info
17. Plato   (29%)  Click here for info
18. Ockham   (23%)  Click here for info
19. St. Augustine   (19%)  Click here for info


The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

October 17, 2004

Sometimes, I wish I was more down to earth.

I do look like Johnny Depp.

October 06, 2004

Times are changing. It was 4:46 just two minutes ago, and now it is 4:48. It can't be stopped, really. There's an old saying I remember from years upon years ago that was somewhat neat, but nevermind that. I have to go eat in just 12 minutes, and with all these times changing so quickly, that will be very soon. In fact, I have to eat so much food that I could be gone for days.

I have to eat quickly, though, because after dinner I am going to RadioShack to buy surround sound and The Extender (USB version). After RadioShack comes Newbury Comix to buy the new Shadows Fall CD and the Blind Guardian DVD. Also, I will maybe buy other things. I can't really be too sure what they will be until I get there. After we get home, I will install the surround sound so that I can write assembly in 5.1 digital. Fucking awesome, I know.

I've been thinking about going to this show at the Palladium on the OCTOBER 16th. The bands that are playing are Beyond the Embrace, Screams of Erida, Burn in Silence, Oma, and Seemless. Beyond the Embrace I love, the second two I've listened to and they seem like pretty rockin' bands, I can't find a thing about Oma, and Seemless is supposedly this "megaband" with ex-members or Shadows Fall and Killswitch Engage, but they are not metal. It's dissapointing, I don't like 'em.

Well, would you look at the time? Do it, and you will see that it is time to eat dinner, then go to the RadioShack and Newbury Comix, and then do more homework. Damn, I am awesome. Not only totally awesome, but damn good-looking if I say so myself.

Follow your dreams, and always remember to eat vegetables.
!~Bravado Johanssen

September 28, 2004

I assume the majority of yous'ns have forgotten what I look like so BAM!

September 04, 2004

An Army of Zombie

So, here I am, back at school, sitting behind my computer on Labor Day weekend. I haven't a thing to do. No homework, the three people with cars are gone, and the raptors are outside waiting to attack. The raptors look too intense for me. We've been watching lots of wonderful movies lately. I highly reccommend The Forbidden Zone, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eight Dimension, and Napolean Dynamite. I highly DO NOT reccommend Dark Star. It was probably the worst movie I have ever seen. It was just generally boring. My roommate, Dave, is watching tv, and the tv is watching out for him. You know what they say, "Watch out for Dave." He's the only other one here right now. We figure Carlton is dead and in a graveyard, and maybe Goober is here, because he might be. Tonight, we are probably going to watch Napolean Dynamite again. My classes are so totally pretty boring right now. Also, they are pretty easy, except my Probability teacher words questions weird, because he is foreign. They cloned me. No wait, that was just the tv. Speaking of the tv, my new favorite tv show is Lazytown. It's really more like Crazytown if you ask me. It's pretty great. Also, there is this show "Boohbah" on the PBS which is pretty insane. They reccommend it as a good show for people who are blind, but the entire show is nothing but bright colors bouncing around, with occasional noises of air escaping. So, I really don't see how it could possibly be good for blind people, except for the fact that they wouldn't see the INCREDIBLY BRIGHTNESS of the show that almost hurts one's eyes. That's really pretty much all I have to talk about, so I should probably stop here. I could just start typing lots of weird stuff like I usually do, but maybe I don't want to. Uh oh, I just ended that sentence with a preposition. I'd better fix it. Okay, here is the fixed sentence: I could just start typing lots of weird stuff like I usually do, but maybe that is not what I want. If you want to win a prize this time, tough luck, you could just try leaving some feedback. This is Captian Bravado signing off.

August 14, 2004


Thirteen random things you like:
1. Evil Dead 2
2. Metal
3. Writing music
4. Steak
5. Being at school
6. Probably you
7. Steak
8. Funtimepartyzone2000
9. DNC
11. Doom3
12. Doom
13. Chains... AW

Twelve movies:
1. Evil Dead 2
2. Dead Alive
3. Dark Star
4. Jurassic Park
5. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
6. The Third Man
8. Manos: The Hands of Fate
9. Transformers: THE MOVIE
10. The Philosophers
11. Doom House 2000
12. Wrongfully Accused

Eleven good bands or singers/musicians:
1. Edguy
2. Odd Project
3. Ayreon
4. Unearth
5. All That Remains
6. Sentenced
7. The Beastie Boys
8. Sonata Arctica
9. Blind Guardian
10. Symphony X
11. Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass

Ten things about you, physically:
1. Dashing
2. Handsome
3. Good-looking
4. Helluva guy
5. Dapper
6. Debonair
7. Good hands
8. See previous post.
9. Good hair
10. Swashbuckling

Nine good friends:
1. John
2. Tim
3. Dave
4. Josh
5. Carlton
6. Ryan
7. Ryan
8. Justin
9. That's stretching it, buddy.

Eight favorite drinks:
1. Sobe NoFear
2. Mountain Dew
3. Water
4. Mountain Dew BLUE CRUSH
5. Water
6. Mountain Dew LIVEWIRE
7. Water
8. Mountain Dew PITCHBLACK

Seven things you wear daily:
1. Pants
2. Left sock
3. Right sock
4. Boxers
5. Hat
6. Shirt
7. Shoes

Six things that annoy you:
1. This
2. You
3. Being alone
4. Being with people
5. Getting girls pregnant
6. Living each day like it's my last

Five favorite foods:
1. Steak
2. Steak
3. Steak
4. Cheescake
5. Steak

Four shows you watch (more like USED TO watch):
1. Even Stevens
2. Whose Line is it Anyway?
3. Late Night with Conan O'Brien
4. Family Guy
5. MST3K
6. Sometimes I can't count.... SQAURE ONE!

Three celebrities who have a crush on you:
1. I don't think any celebrities have a crush on me.
2. Anne Hathaway?
3. Tawny Dean?

Two things you come in contact with everyday:
1. My own thoughts

One song you love right now:
1. Ayreon - The Dawn of a Million Souls

1. How old are you? 19
2. Boy or Girl? Boy
3. Where do you live? Rhode Island and Worcester
4. Where are you from originally? Rhode Island
5. Pick one favorite book – The Physics of Immortality
6. Pick one favorite food – Steak
7. Pick one favorite song – Edguy - Under the Moon
8. Pick one favorite band – No
9. Pick one favorite movie – Dead Alive?
10. Do you think you will have kids? – Sure
11. Do you watch TV regularly? – no
12. Do you care about politics? – no
13. Are you aware that our president has no actual claim to the presidency? – no
14. Do you know all the words to the theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel Air? – YES. I could recite them with quickness like lightning.
15. Do you ever have violent fantasies? – No.
16. Do you know what Ska is? If yes, do you like it? – Yes, not really, every other weekend.
17. Are you now, or have you ever been, a homosexual? – No. I don't think you go back to being straight after being a homosexual, IDIOT.
18. Are you sick and fucking tired of hearing about firemen? – No. What kind of a damn question is that? I hardly ever hear about them, except when they SAVE PEOPLES LIVES. Idiot.
19. Do you think incredibly offensive jokes are funny? – No. I like my jokes rare.
20. Do you think country music sucks? – nope
21. Do you eat meat? – No. I'm vegan.
22. Do you own a reggae album besides Bob Marley? - No, why do you assume I own a Bob Marley ablum? Because I don't, you pretentious piece of steak.
23. How old are you in your oldest memory? – I don't know, I can't remember my oldest memory.
24. Do you wake up on your own, or do you sleep in? – What, now you assume that I don't use an alarm clock?!?! What kind of idiot are you? Not cool enough for alarm clocks? That's what I thought.
25. Are you on medication? – Excuse me?!
26. Do you have a tattoo or a piercing other than your ears? – Once again, you're a jackass. IF YOU WEREN'T HALF BLIND, YOU COULD SEE MY EARS AREN'T EVEN PIERCED, IDIOT.
27. Do you use the term "mad" instead of "a lot" even sometimes? – Usually.even sometimes I use it mad amounts.
28. Do you think that people who say George is their favorite Beatle are being pretentious, people who say Ringo are being stupid, people who say John are probably insane and people who say Paul are right because he is obviously the best one even though he sucked immediately once they broke up? – No, I don't associate with people who have a "favorite Beatle."
29. Do you use grooming products? – Only every day.
30. Are you conscious of your weight? – Yes, I am aware of how much I weigh. I'm not ignorant or stupid.
31. Do you floss? – I floss my teeth sometimes.
32. Do you shoplift? – No. I have money.
33. Are you religious? – No. I have money.
34. Are you Jewish? – I wish.
35. Do you ever feel guilty for being attracted to someone because of their age? – I don't think I understand the question. I am attracted to people because of the looks and the personality. I can't read minds.
36. What is the one thing you most often lie about? – Not having any money.
37. Do you like the sweet cheeba, do you hate it, do you not have an opinion, or do you have no idea what I'm talking about? – Oh, fuck you.
38. What is the CD you feel the most guilt for owning, but still liking? – I don't feel guilty for liking or owning an CDs. Maybe If I stole them from a store I would, but I DON'T SHOPLIFT. jerk.
40. Are you single? – Yes.
41. Do you think that cigarettes are evil? – Yeah, they are totally filled with Satan himself.
42. Do you ever use anything besides Google? – Yes. That would be a pretty sheltered life. Sometimes I even eat food and GO OUTSIDE.
43. Are you happy more often, or less often, than the average person? – Actually, I am the average person.
44. Do you think the average person is probably not as smart as you? – No, I AM THE AVERAGE PERSON. Learn how to read.
45. Are you good at math? – Yes, when I have a calculator or a pencil and paper.
46. Are you neat and organized, or are you a disaster? – I AM A VOLCANO SPACESHIP INVADING THE EARTH.
47. Do you feel lonely often? – Only when I am alone.
48. Are you a Gummy person, or are you a Chocolate person? – Actually, I am made out of THE FLESH OF THE GODS.
49. Do you, or will you, vote? – Both, actually.
50. Can you drive? – Yes.
51. Rank the following from worse to least worse; No Limit, Murder Inc, Cash Money –
1. Cash
2. Money
3. No Limits
4. Ink
5. Murder

52. What is your biggest regret? – You are, goddamn Idiot.
53. Can you think of anything that always makes you cry? – Yes.
54. What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen? – A mirror.
55. Name one amazing experience you have had that you don't feel you could truly explain and that you don't expect a lot of people to understand? – I can't explain it.
56. Do you think being filthy rich would make you happier? – Probably. It wouldn't change anything, just make things easier.
57. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? – I like raspberry sorbet.
58. Have you ever contemplated suicide? – My own? No.
59. Do you make a good first impression? – Boy, I hope so.
60. Do you like to swim? – Not at all.
61. Do you think about cheese somewhat similarly to the way you think about sex, or do you think this is weird? – Only when I said the phrase "That's fucking gouda."
62. Are your shoes the most expensive item of clothing you wear? – No.
63. Do you wear a watch? – No, I have a pocketwatch.
64. What was your SAT score? – 1350 maybe
65. Would you ever consider buying a pair of pants or shorts without pockets? – No way in hell.
66. Do you think the price of a pack of gum will go up soon, not for a while, or never? – Hard to say.
67. Do you spend more than 20 minutes average on the phone every day? – No.
68. Not counting sleep, do you spend more time in or out of your house? – Not counting sleep? What kind of a damn stupid question is that? In.
69. Do you drink enough water, or do you not really know? – I drink enough, if not more than enough.
70. Do you have a lot of things, or just your keys on your key chain? – Once again, you only give two choices. I have four things on my keychain, which is not a lot, but only two of them are keys. For anyone reading this thing, guess the other two things on my keychain correctly, and win a neat prize.
71. Would you die without the internet? – I think so, it's not really the kind of thing you can die with, as it is INTANGIBLE. idiot.
72. Pc vs. Mac? – Sure.
73. Pc vs. Console? Or do you have no idea what I'm talking about? – Shut up, Mr. Pretentious Asshole.
74. Do you put ketchup on anything besides hot dogs, burgers, and french fries? – Yes, I do.
75. If someone were to say, "It don't matter to Jesus" in casual conversation, what would your reaction be? ANSWER OMITTED

July 29, 2004

I am dashing.

And you guys totally thought I was so straight-edge. Some of you will believe anything.

July 21, 2004

You know what they say "Gouda is good-ah, but Cheddar is better!"
They also say "Candy is dandy, but Liquor is quicker!"
But you know what is worse?
Poison ivy all over my face.

July 12, 2004

A Quick Peek into the Inner Workings of Adam Fiske's Mind

- Hey, what's up? I'm sitting here listening to some old Odd Project and damn I can't wait for the new CD.
- So, I was at work today, and I got two songs stuck in my head. You know what they were? Bananaphone by Raffi and The Blazing Saddles theme by Frankie Laine.
- So I saw Spiderman 2 finally, after at least three failed attempts. I liked that movie a lot. There was this scene with Doctor Octopus on the operating table that was fucking orgasmic. That's all I'm going to say. Oh yeah, Bruce Campbell is in the movie too, and he totally defeats Spiderman. The movie made me totally happy.
- That reminds me, I have to give John a call, brb. Aw, he wasn't there so I left a message. You see, our guitars are in the shop and we need to pick them up.
- Party Till You Puke, btw.
- Oh man, also I went to the circus with Danielle, and the circus is great. They have the best live music ever. I don't like animals at the circus, though. Also, clowns have the best job ever, because they get paid to be jerks. I wish I could get paid to be a jerk, but not have to be a clown.
- Blind Guardian says they won't be coming out with an album until 2006, but they will be releasing an orchestral project with just Hansi singing and an orchestra in the next 12 months.
- Sonata Arctica is finished recording their album and it will be out in September. Also, Symphony X is in the studio right now, and John Romero mentioned that the new album will be even heavier than the last. That's not too cool, because one of the main reasons I love them is because of their orchestration, a la V: The New Mythology and The Odessey (song).
- I'm going to go see I, Robot sometime soon, and we're all going to dress up as Jeff Goldblum from different movies. This is because Jeff Goldblum was in Independence Day with Will Smith, who happens to be in I, Robot. I'm probably going to go as Independence Day Jeff Goldblum, because I have flannel shirts, but I'd rather go as Buckaroo Banzai Jeff Goldblum because he has a cooler costume. Josh is going to be Jurassic Park Jeff Goldblum.
- Danielle has far too many friends, and I'm jealous.
- Thomas Dolby is Hyperactive!
- I wear my sunglasses at night.
- Today at work, there was a tournament, and there were so many cars there, we ran out of parking places, and then I got to leave early.

July 05, 2004

The Ballad of a Broken Heart, Part II

I've written you so many songs, all heartfelt works of art
But these are the words that spilled out when you broke my heart
I bought you roses you never saw. Forgotten, they died alone
An ominous allusion to what we would become

In this play, this scene, this life's lost love someone forgot their lines
I missed my cue to say I love you for the hundredth time

You were my Wendy Darling and I was Peter Pan
You were supposed to take me away from Neverland
A thimble was not enough to show what you meant to me
But it is all I gave to you, and for that I am sorry

In this life, this love, this movie, this film without a name
I missed my cue to say I love you, some things just never change
One thousand burning candles illuminate our stage
But my lines are hard to read, with tears along the page.

I will always love you, no matter what I say
And I will think about you almost every single day
You know that place between sleep and awake, where you can remember dreaming?
That's where I'll always love you, that's where I'll be waiting.

July 01, 2004

And now we're back to normal. Here's some more lyrics I wrote for a song I wrote. Everyone liked the song. It got four stars. Yes, out of four. One guy didn't like the lyrics, though, because it was a metal song. But another guy said the lyrics were great. Go figure.

Trying to sleep alone is hard, I have nowhere to rest my head. And now in all my dreams it always seems like I'm running away from you. Your footprints in the snow again, but you are nowhere to be found. And when I follow them it always seems like you're running away from me. This love will never be. Coincedence is keeping us apart, and it's driving me insane. Whenever I miss the chance to see you, I always take the blame. How can I go to sleep without you? I cannot live without your love. The taste of your sweet lips on mine, the look in your innocent eyes; memories keeping our love alive remaining always with me. This love will never be.

June 19, 2004

The contests are closed, and the results are in. Points will be given as follows: 1 point for any guess, 2 points for a partially correct answer, 5 points for a correct answer, and -1 point for mentioning Shawn Hunter's favorite musical group when it was clearly never referenced. Contestants in the contests are as follows, in order of appearance: Tom, Josh, Ryan, Dave, Becky.

CONTEST NUMBER ONE: What is the new picture?
CORRECT ANSWER: Brian Fair's dreds

Tom: 1 point for a guess
- Total: 1

Josh: 1 point for a guess, 5 points for the correct answer
- Total: 6

Ryan: 4 points for four guesses
- Total: 4

Dave: 1 point for a guess
- Total: 1

Becky: 2 points for two guesses, 2 points for a partially correct answer
- Total: 4

WINNER: Josh. As a prize, he will get an entire couplet about him in an upcoming Infinity Complex song.

CONTEST NUMBER TWO: What are the two songs quoted in the entry?
CORRECT ANSWER: Mint Car by The Cure ("I'm so happy I could scream") and Oh Word? by The Beastie Boys ("What the schnitzel")

Tom: 2 points for two guesses, 2 points for a partially correct answer
- Total: 4 points

Josh: Zero points for nothing
- Total: ZERO

Ryan: Zero points for nothing
- Total: ZERO

Dave: Zero points for nothing
- Total: ZERO

Becky: 2 points for two guesses, 5 points for a correct answer, -1 point for mentioning Shawn Hunter's favorite musical group when it was clearly never referenced
- Total: 6

WINNER: Becky. As a prize, she will get to buy me an ice cream sundae.

June 08, 2004

I totally just updated my 'blog, it's all cool now. It's got the 'blog feedback and the 'blog profile. Plus a new name, new colors, and new picture! What do you all think? I'm so happy I could scream. If you know what the picture is, post an answer to the following question:

- What is the new picture?

I will pick a winner, probably someone who answers the question correctly, and then that person will recieve a prize! Isn't that cool? I am pretty cool, that's for sure. You don't think so? Have you seen me lately? I am the epitome of cool. In fact, I am so cool, that this chair I am sitting on is frozen like an icicle. Now, that's pretty cool.

In case you didn't know, I'm back. What the schnitzel. By back, I mean I've returned from my first year at the Institution. The first year was pretty awesome. I am now in a hip-hop band called The Infinity Complex as MC MobiĆ¼s Tripp, along with my good friend Ryan who goes by the moniker MC Radical Pi. Oo, and I can't forget Tim as DJ MathMan. I've also starred in a action/drama/comedy/thriller/horror called The Third Man, as - you guessed it - myself! I've also been assigned the grueling job of editor for the movie, which is - you guessed it - grueling! Also, along with the help of a few friends, I've successfully invented a new game called DNC. The letters are most commonly thought to stand for Dangerous & Needlessly Complicated, but it has also been called Denizens 'n Cowbell, Denizens and Citizens, Donuts 'n Coffee, Deadites 'n Cowbell, Bruce 'n Chris (wait... thats BNC), etc. If you know anymore things it may stand for, please don't wait to reply with some. Hmm... what else happened at the Institution? Well, I've also starred in two short features called The Philosophers and Doom Dorm (yes, it's just a remake of the classic film Doom House). Hmm.... what else.... I have a 3.75 GPA.... I had a cool roommate, Ross, and we got this movie projector and screen and our room was an awesome theatrical movie theatre when night rolled around. Next year, I got another cool roommate, DAVE. He's so cool, you have to double-take. Also, I went to several shows at the Worcester Palladium:

- Unearth, Lamb of God, Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall
- Blistered Earth, Raven, Seven Witches (this show was supposed to have Beyond the Embrace at it, but apparently they were double booked)
- Full Blown Chaos, Walls of Jericho, Blood Has Been Shed, God Forbid
- Metalfest: (highlights) All that Remains, Machinehead, As I Lay Dying, Arch Enemy, Between the Buried and Me, Killswitch Engage, Children of Bodom, Iced Earth (this show was also supposed to have Everygrey [who were the main reason I was going] but they weren't able to play because of a power outage at the Palladium)

Now, I'm home. "Boy, is home boring?" Boy answers, "Yes." I got a truck I can use once (maybe twice) a week for things other than work or getting gas or money or something. So, I hardly ever get to do anything but sit in my house, in front of this computer, in front of the internet, in front of the world. Speaking of work, I work at a golf course from 6AM - 1PM MTWF and 6AM-9/10AM on Saturday. "What golf course?" you ask. You guessed it... the one closest to my house!! That job is pretty damn boring. I mow the golf course with two differnt push mowers, sometimes three. Also, I rake bunkers, weedwhack, cut grass with a steak knife, weed bunkers, collect trash, fill divots. You know whats funny? Whenever they say divots to me at work, I think they're saying divX. That's because I am a geek... er, I mean that's because I am so fucking awesome. Since I've been home, it seems as though the band And Forever After has broken up. I may be embellishing the truth a little here, but thats how it might seem. If we can manage to get the whole band together at one point, we'll probably have a little chat, and then I'll update all you folks.

Probably the best thing about being home, is being able to see Danielle. However, I've only been able to see her maybe four or five times since I've been home, and that's just lame. That's just a shame.

In closing, I'm doing very well. Also, in the above few paragraphs, I have taken some lines directly from the lyrics of two, yes two completely different songs. If you can figure out either of the two songs the lines are from (mind you, you also have to find the lines in order to figure out the songs) please post the answers in a nice little reply. This will be treated as a completely different contest than the one above about the picture to the left of this page. This contest will also have a prize of some sort. If you can only figure out one of the songs, but not the other, that's fine, because I think that not very many people who read my 'blog will know either of the songs, so any answer is quite possibly the winning answer (as long as it's correct). As a hint, I could tell you what paragraphs the two lines are in.

tl;dr - I am totally awesome.

June 05, 2004

Things I think about at work:

1. Why are the crazy wacky guys on sitcoms always named Joey? You know, like Full House, Freinds, um... that's all I can think of right now. Add more.

2. The new Beastie boys album is crazy different. You can definitely tell the whole thing was done it Pro Tools. Think of Licensed to Ill entirely made in Pro Tools instead of samplers and such. Also, they don't do any of their signature word swapping. That kinda sucks. But there are some pretty whack tracks.

2. Raking sandtraps sucks.

E. My favorite people.

2. Songs that get stuck in my head at work: Ch-check It Out, Baby Got Back, Recreation Day, Heroes of Sand, Get it Together -

I just fell asleep for about 2 hours. I'm done.

May 31, 2004

Some new lyrics:

The Wings of Destiny
Here I go again, chasing castles in the sky. Do I expect to find an open door this time? Wind upon my cheek reminds me of the past, but all those memories are fading fast. I can't take this anymore. Frozen tears fall to the floor, the pieces shatter my reflection. And these castles in the sky, they are nothing but lies, illusions. But destiny has never held me back before. I have to even the score. This isn't right, the day is not over, but there is no light. This is the end of my fight. The second hand ticks away as I struggle to stay awake. I don't know how much more of this pain I can take. Reaching out for a hand, someone to help me stand. I do not want it to end this way. I'm tired of lying down, but my mind is in a cloud, confusion. I can see what I became, written on the wings of fate. Now as I escape on these wings of destiny, I remember what it feels like to be free.

And some old lyrics for the poor lost soul who posted in my comments:

Hosui Theme
Early one morning, Hosui went for a walk. Then he fell into a hole.

May 23, 2004

I felt like doing it again, but with TWENTY songs!

01. The Beastie Boys - Skills to Pay the Bills
02. Faith No More - Cowboy Song
03. AFI - Third Season
04. The Offspring - Feelings
05. Jurassic 5 - A Day at the Races
06. Blind Guardian - Mirror Mirror
07. Blind Guardian - Precious Jerusalem
08. Stratovarious - Atlantis (Instrumental)
09. Throwdown - Hopeless
10. Oompa Loompas - Gluttony Song (from Willy Wonka)
11. The Butt-hole Surfers - The Annoying Song
12. Faith No More - Greenfields
13. Nate Cloud Mustin - Gauntlet
14. Blind Guardian - ...and Then There was Silence
15. G. Love and the Special Sauce - Milk and Cereal
16. Project 86 - Open Hand
17. There Were Wires - Stop Motion Aesthetic
18. Duran Duran - Save a Prayer
19. Atreyu - Corseting
20. Raffi - Bananaphone

And what a PERFECT song to end the list on, too.

May 19, 2004

So, I was just watching Full House, the one where DJ crashes the car into the kitchen. And then when Bob Saget was yelling at her, I noticed that I had started crying. And then immediately once I noticed I was crying at Full House, I started laughing. And then I fell off the couch.

This post is too short, here's a song I wrote:

Blood Brothers
Recalling those walks in the woods, the cold winter's snow on the earth. Through silence we drank in the air. A silence too peaceful... remember. Blood brothers till the end. You said you'd always be there, my friend. But when the light is gone, how do we carry on? We watched the sun set on the ice, the reflection burning the sky. "For life, " we spoke but two words. It was meant to be... forever. Why did it have to happen this way? What did I do to deserve this? I thought it was to last forever. Forever's just a word.

May 11, 2004

Generic Blog Crap #1.

1. Open up all your music.
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. List the first 15 songs that come up, no matter how embarrassing.

01. The Cure - In-between Days
02. Opeth - Silhouette
03. Piano Cascades - Wishing
04. Himsa - Twist
05. Blind Guardian - Bright Eyes (acoustic)
06. Fantomas - Charade
07. Phil Keaggy - March of the Clouds
08. Zao - A Fall Farewell
09. Opeth - Deliverance
10. Tiger Army - Towards Destiny
11. Tchaikovsky - Hungarian Dance
12. Tears for Fears - Laid So Low (Tears Roll Down)
13. Thought Riot - All for God, and a Gun for All
14. American Nightmare - There is a Black Hole in the Shadow of the Pru
15. Donnie Darko - Time Travel

April 18, 2004

I just got in the biggest fist-fight you've ever seen. If you were there, that is. Otherwise, you probably didn't see it. Unless it was being broadcast across the internet. Like me. At this very instance I am being broadcast over the internet like some broken record reaching it's ultimate destination: the internet. I am everything. I am the internet. The internet is everything. Therefore I am, I think. I think, therefore I am.

Enough of that babelfish babbling. This is probably one of the most important posts I have ever made in my journal regarding my current health. My current health is great. You know what they say: "At least I still have my health!" Am I right or am I right?

This is a fucking stupid journal entry, I am not making any sense. I was Kill Bill vol. 2 on Friday. I mean I saw Kill Bill vol. 2 on Friday. I am listening to Killswitch Engage right now. The new cd is pretty good. I am pretty good. Actually I am pretty great. My health is pretty great. I am everything. My roommate just shrunk.

March 27, 2004

Here I am, sitting in my leather chair, dripping wet, naked, with my "how-do-you-do-madams" hanging out all over the place. It's really not that comfortable, but oh well. Buddy.

If you recall, I mentioned something about a contest where I would give away several of my cds to whomever could answer a certain question correctly. I don't remember the question and I don't feel like looking it up. In any event, nobody even sent in any answers and the final date of acceptance was last friday. So, alas, there are no winners. It just goes to show you that even if you don't like me you can still win my heart. I mean my cds.

The Third Man Saga has finished filming. Now it's just onto post-production and editing. Look for this brilliant story to arrive in your computers Summer/Fall 2004. Trust me, you'll be glad you did. Check out this poster, while you wait: Third Man Teaser Poster.

That's all for today I guess. I'm not really in a thinking mood, so my thoughts are not around to be written down. I'll leave you with two sets of lyrics I wrote since a time before.

To Die Alone (style of Sentenced)
Verdict is in and I'm still alive, but something inside this shell has died. Your heart, my heart, the crimson twain undone. No innocence. Once again, the snow begins to fall. You and I have been through it all, and now it's time we make separate paths. And I don't want to die alone, but your cold words are weighing on my back. Now as I walk in to the sunset, there's no turning back. Breathing in the dead silent wind, the knowing eyes, they know I have sinned. The bell tolls, the final stone is cast. Falling apart, you are breaking my heart. You pain my heart, and kill my every thought. The night blankets your deadly eyes. Snow covers my tracks, I'm never coming back. The light of hope is gone.

I Want Your Love (style of The Darkness)
Ooo baby, you're making me crazy, and I can't hold it in any longer or I will explode. I need you. I want you. Ooo baby, please don't make me tell you it again. I want your love, it don't matter how I get it. And you want mine too, oh baby, just admit it. You've got me running round in circles, and I don't know if this roller coaster will stop any time soon. I'm yours, and you're mine, and it's gonna stay that way until the end of time!

Oh and also check out some other interesting links to interesting things:
Lords of the Rhymes
Advent Rising

Movies to look forward to:
Jurrasic Park IV - directed by Steven Spieldberg
The Fountain - directed by Darren Aronofsky

CDs to look forward to:
Odd Project (download mp3 sample: here)
Shadows Fall
Unearth - The Oncoming Storm
Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache (download mp3: here)
Beyond the Embrace - Insect Song (download mp3: here)
Beastie Boys

March 14, 2004

I should write a big post about how I feel right now, but I won't.

March 08, 2004

Allan Fritch: MY GOD
my dreamy socks: i am paying attention
Allan Fritch: my blog is wicked dark
my dreamy socks: did you updatae?
Allan Fritch: why has no one ever told me how dark it looks!
my dreamy socks: ?
Allan Fritch: no, but I am about to now!
Allan Fritch: because its so dark
Allan Fritch: i have to change the colors
Allan Fritch: its not supposed to be so black
Allan Fritch: its looks different on my lcd
Allan Fritch: at school
my dreamy socks: oh really?
Allan Fritch: yeah
Allan Fritch: man, everyone must think I'm totally goth
Allan Fritch: not that I'm not
my dreamy socks: yeah
my dreamy socks: you dark
my dreamy socks: gloomy person
Allan Fritch: I'm so depressed
my dreamy socks: why?
my dreamy socks: proably are
Allan Fritch: you know me
Allan Fritch: always depressed
Allan Fritch: talking about things like drowning
Allan Fritch: in BLOOD
my dreamy socks: yes
my dreamy socks: because of me
Allan Fritch: in YOUR blood

February 26, 2004

I found some lyrics I wrote since I last posted lyrics I wrote. Would you like to see them? You would, wouldn't you? So you can criticize them. Well, okay!

In Light of a Lost Love
Lying, dreaming all by myself of our starlit sea, but I'm all alone. But with you, I could dream, and you'd be there, my love. Can we just go back to the beggining, with you here? Why can't we just go back to the beginning, when it was clear? Just stay with me beneath the widowed sky. You're the wind that holds my wings yet stings my eyes. I guess I'm on my own. Waiting for your gentle touch, I've got this invitation but I cannot go. Without you, I'd stumble, and I'd be lost, alone.

A Concept for Drama
Symphonic minds draw sour notes. Our lines are crossed, we've crossed the line. Deafened by the silent score, the record's needle scars the spine. For the love of my life, I'll let you leave. Let these shining notes end this scene. "We promisesd too much," this traitor starts, a valiant effort through and through. Punching holes in paper hearts, the spindle's needle breaks the glue. For the love of my life, I'll walk away silently. The curtains draw , a starlit finale. A silhouette of penance is torn across the stage. The horizon is your threshhold leading you to change.

Our Last Penitence
Like a foretold rumor, the fortunes of our lives shatter at our feet. No innocence escapes this time, no purity, no honor. Beheld as a fallen saint, they scar our skin. The precious blood stains her wings, a sorrowful sight. Encrusted with the profound reminder of a life once lived, the feathers fall to the floor. The shattered remnants of providence, blood-stained and comfortable, litter our paths. This is our last penitence, our final goodbye to luxury.

Melodies Come Undone
Waiting patiently for a look from your eyes, the callous mirrors just reflect my face. Staring absently at the spot between your thighs; the veiled reminder of your grace. With the cold white light of your heart as my guide I'll make my way through the tangles of what once was. Yesterday, you killed the sun so feed the flame of your frail fire so I can find my way away from this love denied. Building dioramas of the last day of our love; but the glue won't stick to anything but our hands. Sitting at my piano, melodies come undone; their first notes were gone before they even began. With the cold white light of your heart as my guide I'll make my way through the tangles of what once was. Yesterday, I killed your son, the one that was forged of my flaws. I am no longer the broken heart that I once was, I just need to let go. Why is it so cold? This is getting so old. Let it go.

And there you have it.

February 25, 2004

I finally stopped shaking.

February 12, 2004

Yo, sound the bell. School is in, suckah.

So, I'm sitting here (skipping class, of course, you needn't even ask anymore), and I'm thinking. What am I thinking about? Well, some of the thoughts that had passed through my head in the last few minutes covered such topics as: food, eating, skipping class, Tony Hawk Underground, MC Hammer, Duran Duran, the senior/junior proms, my subwoofer, writing in my 'blog, the meaning of life (both the idea and the movie), Refused, a new guitarist, and her commitment to Sparkle Motion. Sometimes I doubt it. Maybe it's just me, though.

So, I got this paper back in my writing class today, with a big check minus on the top. So, I asks my teacher why, and she looks it over, and realizes she didn't actually read it. And then said it was correct, and I should have had a big check plus on the top. This just goes to shows you that I knows what I'm doin' in this workaday world of college.

Sitting here. Yeah. That's what I'm doing. I'm skipping class, sitting here, my roommate's playin' Tony Hawk, I'm writing in my 'blog, and we're both waiting until five o'clock (only seven minutes left), so we can grab some dinner. And after that, I'm home free. Actually, I'm not. That's tomorrow, I forgot. I actually have to do homework afterwards. Homework. Yeah. That's what I'm doing. I mean, that's what I'll be doing. After I eat. Homework. Four hours. I mean "for hours." Most likely more than four hours. That's just how smart I am.

It bothers me though. It's definitely lacking. Maybe next year will be different. I was looking forward to it, too. My band was going to be there, probably. But not me. Just them. You don't even know what I'm talking about, do you? If you bothered to actually do some critical reading of my blog (which I know you won't because you're all mindless cretins, as I've said before), you'd be able to figure out what I was talking about. It's really that simple. Just do some sleuthing, you gumshoes! Monday through Friday at five! Leave a comment about that one, if you're "in the know."

Three minutes left. I have tons more to write about, but at the rate I'm going, I'll never be able to get it all down in three minutes. As you can tell, I've grown. You can tell, can't you!? God, I hope so. You had me worried for a moment. My hair is now over three feet long, it almost reaches my knees. Most people don't know it though, because I wear a goddamned hat all the goddamned time. Yeah, that's right, I ain't too proud of it, either.

Oh snap, Goober's Matrix Phone is ringing. And it's 5:01.

February 04, 2004

A Scarlet Sunset

Think I'm a terrible writer? Think my blog isn't "worthy?" Well, you just might be right, but don't you go and try to tell me that. Ten thousand tiny men couldn't take my pride away. In fact, by increasing that number tenfold you would have not even come anywhere near the number that is the greatest number in the universe. A brilliant boy once told me something like that. It's all very confusing, really. At one moment you're circumnavigating Africa, and then suddenly you're on an island in the South Pacific, enjoying the music of the Wylde Stallions with a beautiful woman on each arm. It's really just too hard to comprehend, and that's why I just sit back and let the music take me wherever. If I need to explain more about it to you, then I've done my job! It's really that simple. It's not that hard to comprehend.

Every once in a while, as I sit here typing, I actually pay attention to what I am typing. The above paragraph, as I have duly noted in my mind, is the result of my "stream-of-consciousness," or "conciseness," whatever you may call it. That would make one, namely myself, conclude that my mind does not work correctly, or at least it doesn't follow the pattern of normalness as decreed by the mandate of the collective being of humankind. Am I not normal? Am I stupid? Or am I just too complex that you can't quite comprehend the eclectic ways in which thoughts travel throughout the millions of fine synapses in my mind.

I suppose maybe you people out there (although you may be few and far between - and I'd like to thank everyone of you personally, had I the time and resources), may be wondering, "Mr. Fiske - this thing you call 'the mandate of the collective being of humankind' - what exactly do you mean by that?" To this I answer your question with another question. "Does the meaning of the phrase really matter, or do the words themselves, in all their delight and splendor, impart a more eternal meaning... a living feeling that runs through everyone?" While you may not immediately know the answer to this question, the answer will come to you in time. I leave this discovery to you.

As far back as I can remember, I've always been fascinated with the power of the mind. The complete control it has over the body, and even other people. Even the simplest tasks can be made complex by the mind of the user. It's just awesome. I am in complete awe. Gasping, I struggle for air.

You want a picture don't you? You mindless cretin. I know how you think. "Hey, maybe Adam's blog will have a bit of entertainment in it! Not that I'm going to read it, but he usually has some pictures that remind me of things like Bill and Ted or Ghostbusters. Then I sit alone in my room, reminiscing about the good ol' days. The days when bright colors filled the halls, ankle warmers were the fad, and Duran Duran topped the pop charts!" Yeah, I know you.... you and your "thoughts." I see right through you. I'm not even going to link to a picture! Ha! Put that in your hat and wear it! Suckers.

January 29, 2004

This just in. I am trying to do homework. I updated band's website. You know what I wanna do I when I grow up? ..... um..... your mom? Funny? Not really. This post is going to be really short, I'm just trying to get in the writing mood, so I can finish this fucking paper. Also, there will be no pictures because that would require lots and lots of searching and editing and effort on my part. Too bad it's not me, huh, baby?

January 17, 2004

It's about time I updated this trash for all you men and women out there to read. Well, it's been several weeks since I last updated, and I didn't get a single bit of feedback from my previous post. I wish you were cooler. But not as cool as me, because then I'd be jealous of you. And that's not good for anyone, especially me. What's more is that I am so tired of the countless number of people determined to jank me. I can't stand it.

I was on a sabbatical from college for a while. I went home, and spent it with my family. There was a couple of Christmasi and I got some speakers, a Deep Impact dvd, all my old pencils, a thousand scarfs, a swatch and a foldable wrapping material. In all of this confusion I was able to realize that Christmas wasn't about the presents that everyone bought me, but rather about the amount of money they spent. The person who spent the least amount of money on me were the best, because I could tell that they were very crafty and were able to stretch their dollars miles. Almost as far as the mailbox, which is like a thousand miles in dollar miles. They're kind of like Style's Miles. I have lots of style, also. Picture of my roommate with a sword:

Last night I also was fighting. Not to save the race of men, like my roommate was, but rather to win the coveted gold medal in the long jump. And the battle of the bands at the Chariho High School. And guess what. You guessed it. We won! Nothing! Some other band won. So many bands played I forget which one won (not really). Also, I threw up all over the stage because I hadn't eaten anything all day, and I was severely dehydrated. But, why listen to me whine when you can listen to this picture:

Oh shit, I have to go eat, so just look at that picture.